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Tubeless, Any One Tried It?


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If its liquid. What happens if you stop? (Y)

Im still not convinced. Seems like a lot of hassle, weather it be easy or not, its still hassle. Nice idea though. Maybe once when the technology has evolved a bit, it may catch on.

Don't really think its ready yet. No idea why, just don't :)

Meh, if it works. Good on you.

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  Simon said:
If its liquid. What happens if you stop? (Y)

The bits sealing the rim tape etc aren't liquid. They've dried and hardened.

To be honest, 6 moths ago I'd have killed for this. I used to get pinches all the time. Maybe I've just been lucky, or got smoother, or just don't ride as much now, but I'm not getting too many problems with my tubes. Maybe it's the Maxxis actually. Anyway.

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Tomm, it's been around for years, just not been used for trials, I considered it at the begining of last summer and had thought about it before that.

And Mike, you lose barely any air, we're talkin for a nail not even one psi in a big chamber tyre. :(

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  Ali C said:
ok, while your not riding fixing your puncture, I will be happlily hopping about gleefull in the thought that I wont have that hassle again :("

And while you send your wheel to Mike, we'll gleefully ride on, and when you pay him £10 we'll gleefully take a money bath :S

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  div said:
Technology has been around for years Ali, but there were people on here who thought that the air would "burp" out of the sidewalls


The first one I made did burp air when it folded and when you rimmed it, but I made that with slime sealent and not latex.

I did one recently with latex and its soooooo much better, it just doesnt burp at all and it seals punctures a lot better.

I was just explaining to mark that I wouldnt need to send it to mike to do, thats all. :(

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  boovey said:
LMAO That guy would be screwed at 0.46 secs on that video if he missed!

Ye i was thinking the same thing. lol! Was it neccessary to go as stabby as that? :turned:

Doubt anybody would ever get punctures as harsh as that? unless they got attacked by pikeys?...... :) perhaps thats what it was invented for!

I think its a good idea, i might convert my XC bike.

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Ok dont laugh if im way way wrong!!!

but outta curiousity... is there any problems with letting air out of the tire...

as all the air..goes into the tire itself.. and thats where the liquid latex is etc..

and supposedly the rushin out of air causes the liquid latex to seal the hole..

..so if you a rider who like to play about with you tire pressure alot...will it try and seal your valve...

because i was thinking ... dont be silly the valve isnt near the tire really..whats it gonna do ...fire the latex up into the valve.. lol

but then i was thinking if you got a lil latex in bottom of tire...and you hole is quite a way up in your side wall..then it must get rushed up by the air.

hmmmmmm... hope that makes sense..

could some1 like fat mike or ali c...who know what they talking about enlighten me.

because i really wanna convert to tubless..but i gotta get some knew rims 1st and koxxs dont work apparently.


Tom. (Y)

Edited by Trials tom_s
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  Trials tom_s said:
Ok dont laugh if im way way wrong!!!

but outta curiousity... is there any problems with letting air out of the tire...

I worked it out like this: the liquid latex is always at the very bottom of the tire, punctures will go through latex bath and threfore get sealed. If you operate your valve when it is at the highest point of wheel there shouldn't be any issues caused by latex clogging up the valve.

I'm not sure about this though, just seems to make some sence.

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there is always a little pool at the bottom, but when you ride it coats all the inside of the tyre in a thin layer. I left my wheel standing for about a week then took the tyre off, there was still a layer of liquid latex all inside the tyre.

However, I never had any probs with the valve clogging, I was trying to puncture the tyre and was messing about with differernt pressures with no probs (and no puncture even when one of the tread ripped off!)

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All this about weight?

I can't really see how this tubeless stuff has anything to do with weight saving. I always thought it was peace of mind, as well as being able to run any tyre you want, without having to look for puncture resistance.

If all along this has been about weight, then it really is quite pointless surely. As adam has already mentioned, and others, by the time you have the liquid in there, and latex'ed up the sidewalls to secure it, it probably would be the same if you had a tube in anyway, surely? (Y)

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  Simon said:
All this about weight?

I can't really see how this tubeless stuff has anything to do with weight saving. I always thought it was peace of mind, as well as being able to run any tyre you want, without having to look for puncture resistance.

If all along this has been about weight, then it really is quite pointless surely. As adam has already mentioned, and others, by the time you have the liquid in there, and latex'ed up the sidewalls to secure it, it probably would be the same if you had a tube in anyway, surely? (Y)

For my comp bike its about weight saving AND peace of mind (using much lighter tyres)

for my other (to be made) bike its just peace of mind

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Got my mail tartridge.. you know.. i didnt even realise you were one and the same person!!!

god im blonde.. ps - msg passed to my girlfriend bout the sport i'll grow out of!!


tart...profile rear hubs have less engagement then ENO's.. so apart from the fact you dont get you trousers caught.. whats makes them worth twice the price..

i never had a go on a profile..and only the smallest go on an ENO.

i wear 3/4's so the trouser thing dont bother me.. just trying to put into prespective.. whats available and why everyone seems to want profile.

mail me buddy!

cheers (Y)

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