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Best Riders Ever?

Rich Pearson

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i see what you are getting at, they arent "the best trials riders in the world" they are nothing like the cousts etc but then they do have a different style so in a way they cant be compared. arg its hard to explain, i know what you mean though i just didnt agree with your statement up there^^ (Y)

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I judge the 'Best' by how much a rider inspires me.



He's been more inspirational to me than any of riders in any of those lists.


Thats not really what we're being asked, so I guess Boon...hes been a hero of mine for 5 years.

*runs away to download nailseatrials vids* (Y)

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the younger lads want to pull the bigger moves to be seen.............

so the likes of CLS and Neil tunni..........will be weatched more by the most of us i would have thort and ali clarkson.........nice to see some young blood coming through!

it will also be very inspiring for these lads to be riding with their idles or people that are world champions..............my personal opinion anyway.




i think are my main 3 as all of the above i can look upto and think bloody hell what a good job you have done on trials in this country!!!!!

now my list would still be the same 3 i would just have to add to the list like Hermance

cesar canas

ot pi

etc etc

you get the gist, but when you start thinking well wait a mo.............



Dan Smith

Phil williams

Ali C

Rowan (impressed me sumot rotten in bristol last year on roadtrip!!!)


they all have their individual style altho i would like to say Tunni n CLS are very equvalent but on different sized bikes.

Wikid style to them all though...........

you can miss alot of names off list but others that impress me and i enjoy riding with are the likes of John Shrewsbury, Gav Bedford, Ivor from porthcawl.....

Most of the lads iv ridden with on roadtrips or even local rides........theres some impressive lists on here though.....


it makes me wonder how many people would like to meet their "Top riders" and what they would give to ride with them?

i certainly am extremly lucky with being able to ride and have ridden in the past with riders such as Akrigg,Ashton,Hawzee,Tongue,Kurt Brain and its a privelege that they come on my list due to them being so inspiring when riding with them, all have great enthusiam to the sport and extremly great advice! :D :D :D (Y)

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I am flattered that my name has made an appearence but I think it has no place in this topic.

I have to say I think Akkers is the best rider at the mo, he may not be world champ, but he can ride any kind of trials, he kicks ass at street and natural and amazes me with what he can do.

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When I see 'who is the best rider ever' I always think its not who's best, but who inspires you to ride and improve yourself, but I always think that best riders are the guys I ride with reguary as they drag my ass out and push me to ride bigger and better stuff than I would on my own  :P

but that said leech is god  :)  :P  :D

Of course the 'hall of famers' deserve a mention

The Marty(i)ns

Hans Rey

Ot Pi


Libor Karas

The new uci or streety young upstarts that are pushing trials in various ways (all good)






Tongue (when he rides)

Ryan Leech

And the ones that just get out there and ride, may not be too well known but are cool to watch and a good laugh...

Those that went to the indoor trial and loads others that i can't be arsed to type there names out!  (Y)


I bet Benito Ros would be well pissed at being called an "upstart" :P

I'd probably say any of the Koxx world team, basically. We haven't seen enough of the other riders to know though, really. I mean there was that mod vid of that unknown Spanish guy just pedalling to backwheel up a 6ft wall like it was nothing. What was the last Kenny Belaey/Marc Caisso, etc. vid you saw? It's just too hard to say.

Hermance and CLS generally inspire me, and Tim Pratt certainly did after TM1.

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I bet Benito Ros would be well pissed at being called an "upstart" :P

I'd probably say any of the Koxx world team, basically.  We haven't seen enough of the other riders to know though, really.  I mean there was that mod vid of that unknown Spanish guy just pedalling to backwheel up a 6ft wall like it was nothing.  What was the last Kenny Belaey/Marc Caisso, etc. vid you saw?  It's just too hard to say. 

Hermance and CLS generally inspire me, and Tim Pratt certainly did after TM1.

yeah i suppose he would :P but i think was trying to make the point that you can see who the 'big' riders are now, but you can also see where the furtre is and and where the past is (Y) this is really shitly explained :)

yeah i was all :P :P :D after seeing tim pratts section in TM1 too


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