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Best Riders Ever?

Rich Pearson

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I think your choice are really the starter's of trials. Personally if it was based on riding ability it would be in no particular order:

Danny Smith

Ali C

Matt Berridge

Craig Lee Scott

Neil Tunni

And another persons videos amaze me are Jack Barnes.

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  Brisa said:
And another persons videos amaze me are Jack Barnes.

I make the video's with him in it :-

I think it would have to be for me:

Vincent Hermance


Phil Williams

James Porter


Well, they're the people I like to watch most, especially James, I must watch one of his vid's before I go out riding everytime, they're excellent video's :o

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im not sure on how to answer this post, who i regard as the BEST riders in the world are




who i draw inspiration from, is a totally different kettle of fish,

dw@hulltrials - damon watson, ana amazin rider who has only been riding 1.5 years, wait till u see his vid

CLS and Tunni - both are superb, no need to say anythin really you all know

james porter - think its u, the ginger :"> lad who is real young, ur f**king ace

spencer - not a forum member, also real young, superb lazy rider streety big fatty, (i know he will read this)

holroyd - when he releases a video its always got something cool on it, even though he seems to have fizzled out a bit he is ace.

rowan - hes ace too.

so thats who i regard as good and who i draw inspiration from



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  derf said:
Chris Walker

Ben Slinger

(Jon Shrewsbury)

cheers for my name mate ,urrrrr mine are.............

top riders

chris akrigg and edd tongue, well when eddy rides that is.

best mates. tim pratt, nick goddard, matt berrige, ell firth, craig lee scott, and jonny jones.

I get all my ideas from these riders and where they live, there the best mates ever.

jon shrewsers

Edited by porthcawlstreetrider
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When I see 'who is the best rider ever' I always think its not who's best, but who inspires you to ride and improve yourself, but I always think that best riders are the guys I ride with reguary as they drag my ass out and push me to ride bigger and better stuff than I would on my own :P

but that said leech is god :P :) :P

Of course the 'hall of famers' deserve a mention

The Marty(i)ns

Hans Rey

Ot Pi


Libor Karas

The new uci or streety young upstarts that are pushing trials in various ways (all good)






Tongue (when he rides)

Ryan Leech

And the ones that just get out there and ride, may not be too well known but are cool to watch and a good laugh...

Those that went to the indoor trial and loads others that i can't be arsed to type there names out! (N)


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  Luke_londontrials.co.uk said:
Ot Pi

Cesar Canas

Dani Comas

Edd Tongue

Hans Rey

Petr Kraus

  ERgoSuM said:
Gilles coustellier

Giacomo coustellier

  DTT - Echo Team said:
Shrewsbury, Pratt, Goddard, Firth, Berridge, Ponting

Not trying to 'pick' on anyone here, or put anyone down - but, how can these riders be compared!?

Tim, Elliot etc... are very good UK street riders, but, if you stick them in the bike show arena with the likes of Giaco Coust, Dani Comas or Vince Hermance, they'd be lost! (Y)

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  Adam@TartyBikes.co.uk said:
Not trying to 'pick' on anyone here, or put anyone down - but, how can these riders be compared!?

Tim, Elliot etc... are very good UK street riders, but, if you stick them in the bike show arena with the likes of Giaco Coust, Dani Comas or Vince Hermance, they'd be lost!  (Y)

not really, they have different ways of riding. im sure they wouldnt be "lost". i bet they would be able to have the crowds gasping, just in a different way to how the cousts etc would.

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I guess it depends how the course is designed, true, they'd pull different lines.

Just... hard to explain... these people haven't been in trials for years, and made a living from it, competed in world championships etc. Theyre damn good riders, but I personally wouldnt class them as the best EVER!

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