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Urpedigreechumdog is my eBay name, which i've had for about 2 and a half years...

The name came abut when i was starting my account, i couldn't think of a name, so i took some random user name test thingy (an old option on eBay when signing up) and it came up with Urpedigreechumdog.

Oooh and i stick with it because it is funny that some people can't pronounce it and i can type it out in a split second :wink2:

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Randomness is the reason behind mine.

I was trying to make a hotmail account that didn't have any underscores or numbers or anything else than letters in it and my friend said how about I lost my shoe!

That didn't work so I had to have I lost my left shoe.

It then evolved from there on the various forums I signed up to!



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Well you've probably noticed i sign with the name Max (yes that's my name :wink2:) and when i was really little using phrases like "radical dude" ('cos i was a well cool skater :P) i decided that name would be cool. It has a double meaning, rad to the maximum and rad to my name. Meh, from there it's just stuck really.


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mines from fight club the guy gets all his hair shaved off and the dude calles him a regular little space monkey ready to go in to space.. and but over the years every where i sign up someone has nicked it already so i had to change the spelling slightly.

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I signed in as my name, so people know who I am. My name is Stephen Morris. On Trials-Forum I'm Stephen Morris - pretty simple really. The Internet is such a silly little thing, I go riding and ask if they're on Trials-Forum... "Yes I'm EchoRider1732894" or "I'm KoxxRider1986". Why not something nice and easy like, I don't know, maybe... your name. I know it's crazy.

Me, George Seamons (george_seamons), Tim Rodriguez (tim-rodriguez) and all the other crazy cats with real names are quite simply the coolest kids in town.

I'd be interested in an explanation to the following:

tomturd (smells bad maybe)

Anybody with Koxx, Leeson, Monty, Echo etc in their name,

Members with a varient of "monkey" in their name.

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