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Front Discs Overheating?!?

Mr Dave

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i've had an Avid Mech on the front for quite a while now, i have got used to the fact that i cant go down big hills and expect to stop at the bottom.

but over the past few months ive been learning front wheel gaps properly.

mostly with crates, i go out my front brakes sweet and dandy, start at about 6ft, moving the crate out, by the time i get to 7ft my front brakes gone W.A.N.K :P this is only after like 4-5 attempts!!!!!! :D

ive had to get some new pads (warn down) but this made no difference.

so do you get this too? :P

ive tried a maggie on the front and a v but just didnt get along with them :P

anything i can do ?

I realy dont wanna buy a different front brake, but what are the new trial discs like for this ?


Dave :S

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Keep, the avid.. you just have to let it cool down a bit before you use it again.

I know what you mean though. I held mine on all the way down a biiig hill, and got to the bottom and tried to use it again and it was poop.

Iv started using a 180 mini mono rotor in my 185 avid caliper recently though (had to move some spacers around so that the rotor was in the caliper :D ) and as its doesnt have as much braking surface as the avid rotor it seems to cool down a bit quicker? but it still locks up just as fine as the old avid rotor.

Sam :S

Edited by Sam@SouthTrials
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humm, its so anoying though, i dont want to have to stop riding every 5 mins!!! lol

yeah i thought about that the other day, ive got one in my shed, but surely if theres less braking surface it means there's guna be less power ?? :S

THanks for the reply

Dave :D

edit ;: ok maybe he didnt :P

Edited by Mr Dave
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  Mr Dave said:
edit, and i might be wrong but i seem to remember Dave at tartybikes, saying its the pads/caliper that gets too hot not the disc ? in which case i wouldnt have thought the different rotor would help ?

mm well, the mini mono seems to work better for me.

Theres no great power loss if you bed the pads in again properly :S

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I agree Dave, thats the only thing I found annoying about my Avid (well, apart from catching the adjuster on rocks - rare though). Didnt find it fading as quickly as you though :S I must say though, that ive not suffered any noticeable fade from my Hope Trials brake yet (and i was specifically TRYING to get it to fade yesterday :D ).

Not sure what Dave meant about the caliper/pads... I guess the pads do get hot when they transfer heat to the rotor, but the rotor is there to dissapate that heat, so its a major factor.

Maybe worth trying a different rotor... wavy ones are specifically designed to have more surface area, so get rid of heat better. Holes also help. The avid rotor is far from a bad design, though.

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I agree Dave, thats the only thing I found annoying about my Avid (well, apart from catching the adjuster on rocks - rare though). Didnt find it fading as quickly as you though  I must say though, that ive not suffered any noticeable fade from my Hope Trials brake yet (and i was specifically TRYING to get it to fade yesterday  ).

Not sure what Dave meant about the caliper/pads... I guess the pads do get hot when they transfer heat to the rotor, but the rotor is there to dissapate that heat, so its a major factor.

Maybe worth trying a different rotor... wavy ones are specifically designed to have more surface area, so get rid of heat better. Holes also help. The avid rotor is far from a bad design, though.

yeah thought that too, the avid rotor has loads of holes in, i just dont understand.

And i would be surpirsed if everyones avid acted like mine(as quickly) because they seem so popular??

i am actualy tempted to get a mono trial disc, but i waste so much money :P

oh well :D

also, im tnot too fond on the "wide" lever blade, but iguess ill get used to it :S


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lol thanks for all the replys, i ordered one later that day :">

fit it yesterday, its proper bo!, looks like the :)

it fits perfect on my fattysn king with no spacers :P

at first it rubbed on the left pad, but then it jus sorted itsself out :) :)

did the whole water mud thing then cleaned it off now im just guna leave it and ride on it. i shall do a "decentish" reviwe after a couple of weeks :D - if anyone cares hehe

Dave :D

still gota cut the dame hosing down :) anyone no what its like cutting through braided hosing ?

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