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Chris King Bmx Hub Import Question...

Mark W

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Hey all,

Basically, when Sikamon was over today we were checking out prices for Chris King BMX hubs. He didn't believe me that they cost £425+, so I showed him.

Searched on an American BMX site, and they were selling the Chris King front hub and the rear cassette hub as a pair for $445.99. This works out as £238.38. So. Basically. Import tax.

I know that with EmpireBMX, if you buy from them from the UK they write "Low value gift" or summat on it so the customs people just pass it through, so if that happened a) how much d'you reckon you'd be saving? b) If they opened it, and charged full import tax how much would it be? and c) would it be worth getting?

I'm not really interested 'cos I don't have the money, and just bought a lovely Eno, but I was just curious basically.


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Hey all,

Basically, when Sikamon was over today we were checking out prices for Chris King BMX hubs.  He didn't believe me that they cost £425+, so I showed him.

Searched on an American BMX site, and they were selling the Chris King front hub and the rear cassette hub as a pair for $445.99.  This works out as £238.38.  So.  Basically.  Import tax. 

I know that with EmpireBMX, if you buy from them from the UK they write "Low value gift" or summat on it so the customs people just pass it through, so if that happened a) how much d'you reckon you'd be saving?  b)  If they opened it, and charged full import tax how much would it be?  and c) would it be worth getting?

I'm not really interested 'cos I don't have the money, and just bought a lovely Eno, but I was just curious basically.


Give me a shout on MSN mark, i'm pretty clued up towards import tax. :P

P.s. Evading import tax and customs duty is highly illegal, and severely punishable. :S


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It's probably still be cheaper, even with import tax. When I got my axle over from america, FedEX simply charged me VAT @ 17.5% + £4.50 "handling fee". That's on top of postage. So in theory, you should only pay 17.5% extra. Unfortunately, King USA marked my axle as being worth £85 instead of £25 (Which is how much I paid them), so I got charged three times as much VAT as I should have :S

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P.S. Evading import tax and customs duty is highly illegal, and severely punishable.

What I dont get is how do they know the value of the items they open?

How do you say decide to give some friend in england your built up and used for a day profile hub for thier birthday as you have just bought a king for your bike.

Customs open it up, how do they know its not a gift and its not just a £30 hub?

Also what would happen if you bought a lets say from my POV a factory sealed video game from the 1990's thats impossible to come by and in sealed condition is priceless. What happens if they just tear the seal off search it for some of cuba's finest and fine nothing and stick it back in and charge you some handling fee ontop of what they decide is import tax?


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Because you write on the package how much it's worth.  If you don't do that, then you're evading tax.  That's illegal.

Maybe its only worth £30 to the person whos selling it because he has a stock bike and just wants a new £30 front hub instead :P"

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As we've been chatting to fatmike, My mate simon's thinking about getting an Echo Team for $999 and 2 white industries freewheels ($100 ish each) from webcyclery.

We've been suggested that import tax and handeling fees etc etc will be £70 - £90 which still only makes the bike and freewheels £850 ish which is much cheaper than the £995 retail plus (2 * £82) in the uk!

I'm not gonna get one of those White industries however B)

And apparently you've got to include a recipt and if we get it from someone like Webcyclery (bastards in helping you 'evade' tax etc B)" ) then there's no chance of making the recipt any less :(


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I ordered some vees off webcyclery and didn't have to pay any import tax, that said they were a fraction of the price and size of a bike :( in a similar vein my mate ordered some dickies and a couple of tees off hottopic.com and had to pay import on them, but me, my gf and a couple of her friends ordered a bunch of stuff off it as well a bit later and didn't have to pay anything! I think its just luck of the draw really!

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Hmm, who suggested that?

I should think tax would run to nearer £140, then plus your clearance and handling fees.

Lol Well it was only a rough guess from Fatmike himeself. It'll be like $1200 which is about ermm £650 ish.

And say it's £160 including Tax, handling fees, clearance, delivery etc,

Thats *thinks* ermmm £810 and you've got a full echo mod and 2 white industries freewheels :(

Worth £~1164 in the uk B)

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Ah I see... Mikes not the most informed I suppose, since Aspire Velo Tech mark stuff down as low value to evade tax.

But yeah, still a good price. Gotta pay shipping on top of that too, dont forget. (and tax on the shipping)

Warranty issues might be fun too :("

Just a friendly 'warning' (not really a warning, cant think of a better term!)

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With Aspire Mike sends an invoice and reciept via email, I print it off bingo he doest send one in the package. No reciept no proof.

Doesn't there HAVE to be a recipt?

Hm Ye well my mates gonna ask the guys are webcyclery about all the taxes and final charges or whatever B)

Cheers tart :(

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Whatever angle you look at it from, the end result is that we're all being screwed by the UK importers/dealers. The prices we pay should effectively be trade US prices plus VAT and then some profit. It seems that the way the UK guys do it is if something costs $500 it will cost us £500 which is pure bullsh!t IMO.


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Whatever angle you look at it from, the end result is that we're all being screwed by the UK importers/dealers. The prices we pay should effectively be trade US prices plus VAT and then some profit. It seems that the way the UK guys do it is if something costs $500 it will cost us £500 which is pure bullsh!t IMO.


The thing is though is that most companies who are selling trials products have them made in the far East, so it's not like there's any special reason we should be following the American's lead anyway, is there? If the product is made there, then shipped in to a distro then to retaillers - so for Echo stuff for example, it's going to cost them differing amounts to send it to retaillers, which I guess gets tagged onto the price tag. Still, the fact that £ is worth almost $2, yet it costs the same amount in £'s and $'s sucks. At least we can live safe in the knowledge that should any Americans want to buy Curtis, Leeson or Pashley stuff they're gonna get raped price-wise.

Not all that comforting though...

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