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The enchanted broomstick

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delusional i bet your really just a little script kiddy :)

just to confirm to all the gay boys :)

A Hacker is....

A slang term for a computer enthusiast, i.e., a person who enjoys learning programming languages and computer systems and can often be considered an expert on the subject(s). Among professional programmers, depending on how it used, the term can be either complimentary or derogatory, although it is developing an increasingly derogatory connotation. The pejorative sense of hacker is becoming more prominent largely because the popular press has coopted the term to refer to individuals who gain unauthorized access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data. Hackers, themselves, maintain that the proper term for such individuals is cracker

P.S. excaliborg, wouldn't matter, im proxied up anyhow :-

Edited by nichols_sam
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Basically, the media f**ked up using the word hacker.

A hacker builds software, a cracker breaks it.

When bill gates started into programming, it was'nt programming, it was "hacking code" and "we were hacking at code for 48 hours straight to try and get it finished"

Everyone at one point in their computer life has been a script kiddie, hell, even i have. Still am when people get onto the wrong side of me, but only on IRC.

*grins evily at 200 strong floodnets*

Its very hard to actually carry it on properly. Most people just play on these hack safe websites, and use Sub7 etc to lark about.

You will get over it :-


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hehe, there was a hint of irony in my comment on him being a script kiddy :)

I like trying out new scripts and programmes people have written, to be honesy I simply don't have the time to make my own! If theres something I want/need to do i google for a programme or whatever thats already been written.

I'd much prefer to ride my bike than arse around trying to "Hack America" :-

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hehe, there was a hint of irony in my comment on him being a script kiddy :)

I like trying out new scripts and programmes people have written, to be honesy I simply don't have the time to make my own!  If theres something I want/need to do i google for a programme or whatever thats already been written.

I'd much prefer to ride my bike than arse around trying to "Hack America"  :-

Yep. I highly doubt he's a script kiddy anyway. He probably has more knowledge about that shizzle then the whole forum put together :)

Aye, but some people find it amusing to watch other people suffer. They also set out goals, so they can expand there online reputation. Reputation on the internet is as important, if not more important then respect in real life.

Its scene not many get to experience. It can however be very fun, as there are some groups and organisations that just go around doing fun challenges, without leaving a trail of malicous damage behind them.

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yeah yeah, don't get me wrong - a year or so ago before I found bikes I was well into computing and used to love 'testing' sites security etc - no defacement though, just for the thrill of doing it. :-

nowadays thoguh its just not my bag baby! I have huge amounts of respect for those who can work their way around any system with their eyes closed though.

It's odd to think that like 2 years ago I could have had a decent conversation with some of the top guys from anomalous-security and blackcode etc etc but now jsut a little while on I know nothing! Thats whats so exciting about computers I think - YOU NEVER KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW.

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Of course, you could easily harvest IPs from any forum. Just like I'm doing with this topic :-


how could you do that though?

the only way i could think of was if you hosted an image or something on a server of your own.

and even then you couldn't match a user to an address, unless by seeing who is viewing topic and i'm not sure if you could do it that way.

edit/ oh yeah, times posted.

Edited by excaliborg
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how could you do that though?

the only way i could think of was if you hosted an image or something on a server of your own.

and even then you couldn't match a user to an address, unless by seeing who is viewing topic and i'm not sure if you could do it that way.

edit/ oh yeah, times posted.

Heh, I guess you already noticed how it can be done then :)

As for mapping it to people, that's a bit trickier. It can't be done accurately, but you can make reasonable guesses from the times and the referrers. I did think I could make more accurate guesses as to the IP's of people who reply by looking for "act=POST" in the referrer, but it doesn't seem to show up at all, not sure exactly why that is.

I guess if you were after a specific person it wouldn't be too hard to work out which IP is their's with a little detective work.

I should point out that I'm not actually going to do anything with these logs. I've never attempted to do any cracking in my life and don't intend to start now - just done as an example really.

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Heh, I guess you already noticed how it can be done then :-

As for mapping it to people, that's a bit trickier. It can't be done accurately, but you can make reasonable guesses from the times and the referrers. I did think I could make more accurate guesses as to the IP's of people who reply by looking for "act=POST" in the referrer, but it doesn't seem to show up at all, not sure exactly why that is.

I guess if you were after a specific person it wouldn't be too hard to work out which IP is their's with a little detective work.

I should point out that I'm not actually going to do anything with these logs. I've never attempted to do any cracking in my life and don't intend to start now - just done as an example really.

Hahaha. Thats quite smart. Well done :)

Yeah, thats the other thing some hackers do. Just examples.

Take one my text based games i play. To login you have to enter a 6 digit security code. Randomly changed and generated every page load. Generated as an image, so nothing can read it. Then add some coloured lines, so a simple image reader wont work. Well, thats what the creaters thought.

This game has "rounds", and for a few rounds, a group of people have been saying it easy to break, and that some users have been breaking it regulary to win the rounds. So this one round, they cracked it themselves, played out half the round, then admitted what they did.

Just to prove a point. :)

Was funny to watch that story unfold needless to say :-

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hmmm seeing as im the one who started this thread i think its about time i put a reply in, level 4 no problemo, these links to pages and other things are quite helpfull guys.

as for people using "sub7" as trojans and other such things like "let me rule" etc thats not hacking, thats just infecting someone whos dumb enough to not have an antivirus on a computer or will listen to you when you say, turn it off then it will work.

a tip for some people at the very start of wanting to learn this look for "binding" programs you can bind a jpeg image with an .exe file and send it to somebody when they open the file the server file will open with the picture.

LOOK FOR DATKILLER! if you can find this on the net or anywhere you have the golden tool, this will disable antivirus software and firewalls allowing you to gain access

dont, mess with peoples systems, do not damage them and do not thieve information, this is not what hacking or cracking is about, get in and get out without getting caught and feel proud that you have cracked the system, the main goal, DONT GET CAUGHT

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Hahaha. Thats quite smart. Well done :P

Yeah, thats the other thing some hackers do. Just examples.

Heh, the line between doing something as an example, or to prove a point, and actually attempting some form of malicious hack can be quite blurred at times :)

A good case in point (and a great advert for the information that can be gleaned from log files) is a project one of my co-workers, Alex, has been playing with for the last few months. It's essentially a tool to harvest usage data from LiveJournal - it's starting collecting so much data that we've been having to come up with all sorts of interesting ways of interpreting it.

It's actually kind of hard to describe what the project does without writing quite an extended essay. But basically it amounts to collecting massive amounts of usage data from Livejournal simply by hosting several small images elsewhere and intepreting the logs. Thanks to the London goth scenes massive integration with LJ you can actually tell a scary amount about the scene's social interactions from this data. Even to the point that we've been able to fairly accurately guess that couples have got together quite a long time before they've announced it to anyone.

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