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My Middleburn Bash.


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after running a realy gay bash for ages, a 22t one with holes drilled in it, i finaly got hold of a decent condition bash, and got to work using a tool i made for mounting middy bash's in a lathe, after 1/2 and hour of careful working i produced this:


Shame though, as the red would not suit my bike at all, so out came the wet and dry, and sanded the booger off, now looks like this:


(sorry for the poor pic)

and as for the little problem with KMC kool chains rubbing on the back of the standard bash, i took a nice little bit of material off the back, now there will be no problem with this:


The edge has been left smooth, 1) because the college's knurling tool isn't exactly the most beefy of tools, and 2) because i think that it looks real good without it.

hope u like


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Edd Potts better mind his back....

As in your getting good at getting good at doing them, not as in you want him in the (Y)"

who wouldn't want him in the ..... :rolleyes: :-

Na, he is safe, only made the tool for me, and any locals.

Edited by Bigman
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I can't believe you sanded off the red :rolleyes:  It looked awsome!

Yes, i know Tomm, if there was some more red on my bike i would have left it, but leaving it would have made it look "out of place" seeing as it would be the only red bit on the bike.

Glad u all like it, i am very happy with the final product.


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