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Blood Doning


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Does anybody on here give blood?

I went today for the fourth time, finally got my little keyring thing that tells me my blood group. I'm O - rh apparently. Which is great, because it's fairly rare, and being rh means any samples of blood become useless after 3 or 4 days :P

I first went with a group of friends at school. None of us had ever been before, and we saw it as a chance to get out of school for an hour or so, so we went.

It was much less painful than I ever imagined it to be. To be honest, I think the willy test they do on your finger before hand hurts more than the actual doning.

My first time was pretty funny. I thought I was ok, and sat up pretty quickly, but then it all went funny, and I felt really dizzy and my face went really white, so I had to lay down again with my legs elevated. Once the blood was all back in the right place again, I sat up again (a bit slower this time!) and it was all good.

Each time after that, its been hassle free. Strangly enough, after my doning today, I felt really really energetic :P

The best bit is having races with your mates. My personal best for giving a pint of blood is 4 mintues 20 seconds. I beat all of my mates by over a minute :lol:

I like the "eat as many biscuits" and "drink as much as you like" rule in the canteen too :D

I had 12 jammy dodgers today :">

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I got a letter through the door asking to donate some blood.

I might do it but I hate needles :lol:"

It said in the letter that I am 17 and am now old enough to donate blood. Think 17 is the age

Edited by merlin_rider
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How old do you have to be to give blood, and where would one do this ?

I *think* you have to be 16.

I started in lower sixth form, so that would make sense.

As for where to go, I can't honestly say I'm sure. The people I donate with travel around Eas Anglia, and they set up their station in community centres and stuff.

Maybe googling it will help? Where do you live?

EDIT: Merlin_rider...its really not that bad. They talk to you while they're putting the needle in, and if you're not looking, you wouldn't really notice it that much.

I just like looking, 'cos I like to know what they're doing.

I'd say it's worth it just for the pressure thing they put round your arm. When they pump it up, and ask you to tense your arm really tight, it makes the veins on your forarm really stick out, which makes you look really muscly. So go for the ego boost if nothing else! :P

And at the end of the day, your blood could save somebody's life. Think if that person was you, and you were in desperate need of blood, but there wasn't any available, because people were too scared.

You'd be a bit shafted wouldn't you? :D

It may appear this way, but I, in no way shape or form, work for a blood doning company...I'm just good at making you feel bad :lol:

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I am going tomorrow :lol:

You can do it at most hospitals I think. I know you can in Manchester. Just wander into the MRI and they'll take some blood off your hands. No idea about other hospitals though. Otherwise they just have days where they do it in community centres etc.

As for blood types, I'm O +, which is very boring, because it's the most common type.

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I don't want to give blood. As my nose bleeds quite often, so I try to keep as much of it as I can. I once soaked an entire pillow with blood while asleep and woke up with a big red pillow stuck to my face.

Thats a poor excuse...

I know mine is aswell, but still.

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i gave blood 3 weeks ago for the first time, and it was easier than i thaught to save someones life.

im AB RH +, never knew what RH meant untill now, just means they need to use it quicker.

its an experience that should be tried, if its out of good will, for sh1ts and giggles, or free tea and biscuits, its only 5 minutes of your time, but someone elses life.

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The best bit is having races with your mates. My personal best for giving a pint of blood is 4 mintues 20 seconds. I beat all of my mates by over a minute  :)

oh my god, just READING your post made me feel faint/queesy, I could NEVER give blood.

I got a letter through the door asking to donate some blood.

I might do it but I hate needles (Y)"

It said in the letter that I am 17 and am now old enough to donate blood. Think 17 is the age

Yea, I got one like that, hade like 'I want your blood' on the envelope...

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my blood is rare apparently and when i was younger a doctor advised i kept some in a blood bank incase i had a really bad accident.

I don't see how they would manage to keep it indeffinatly though, and how they could just get it ready when it was needed. (Y)

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I don't see how they would manage to keep it indeffinatly though, and how they could just get it ready when it was needed. :rolleyes:

I can't remember but they can either separate out all the bits (Red blood cells, serum, clotting factors) and store them separately at the right temperatures.

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ive never given blood but ive seen first hand the need for people to do so. my son was born 3months premature and needed about 3 blood transfusions and without it he would have died so i think i really need to get of my lazy ass and start giving blood :D everyone who can should so i think ill be starting very soon :-

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