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Nass 2005


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I know its a bit early, but its good to get these things sorted.

I reckon we should meet somewhere on the way, or at a set time before it opens and set up a trials camp.

All those in it last year would agree it was a good laugh.

I reckon arrive there for 10am, so you get a high place in the que, and a good choise of campsites.


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Don't know if we're talking Peterborough or Shepton Mallet, but I'll definately be at Shepton Mallet, and I can vouch that Sam Wheeler and his posse will be there. I'll probably arrive on the second day to compete, get drunk, sleep in my car, then just mess around for the final day. Should be fun, it always is. Just so long as there isn't any pikey warefare and James Porter getting paraletic... Wait, what am I saying, that was sodding hilarious...

See you guys there


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i cant actually wait for this :P going to be awesome. i wasnt paraletic rich, just merry :)

my mum and dad said that if i get a bad report then they are going to stop me from going HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA B)  :P

James, the next morning you could barely stand... :P

I think I'll just go and find that pub between the showground and the station, get quietly pissed out of my mind there in the evening and then come back for the final day.

Should be fun...


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Nice to see there is a good number of riders willing to go.

NASS this year is only at Shepton Mallet, 8 - 10 July.

So who is up for a cumunal trials area?

I think if we meet at the show for around 10am, and whoever gets there 1st can secure a good place in the que, and the rest can join.

We can then get a good camp site and spread out a bit, so we all have enough room.

Jon, I will be driving, but dont know who is going, if theres a space we can arrange something, ill let you know nearer the time.

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