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Is It True? Tall Riders Ride Better?


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being 5'6 i think i'm not in an ideal hight, is it true? i can do max 1 meter bunny hop (rear wheel nailed to a wall) and thats it. 1.80 meter gap ( to anobject on the same level). am i too short? i have an echo es4r and run a 75 mm stem . can you help?

soon i will ride a brand new alibongo...


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Mainly technique i reckon. People like the short person who is good and Matt Staples both show that you don't have to be massive to be very good. Maybe it may be easier for the taller person to use power but the short person can be just as good with better technique.

In my opinion.

Edited by T-rex rider
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  T-rex rider said:
Mainly technique i reckon. People like benito ross and matt staples both show that you don't have to be massive to be amazing. Maybe it may be easier for the taller person to use power but the short person can be just as good with better technique.

In my opinion.

benito ross is over 6ft :P

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it seems to be the leadin uci style guys are bean poles but look at the streety riders, they're not all giants!

for natural i would ride a huge bike 1100 ish but street 1020 is great so i guess it depedns on style, what sort of moves you wana do and a bit the bike. btw i'm 6ft1" and can't gap or up nearly as big as you!!!

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  thefletch said:
na just think, chai aint exactly the tallest person, nore people like sam wheel. And by better rider do u mean big stuff, balance, power, ups, downs, gaps........Each different symatotype has good and bad points. (cant spell symatotype btw, been a whiole since p.e.)

Somatotype :P A unique physique.

I think a good power:weight ratio is very important, if your a short arse, but have very little fat and a lot of slim, toned muscle, you should have a good advantage.

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id say in the end the taller guys definitely have the advantage. I think that your height does limit you to a certain point unfortuantely.. not saying that a shorter rider could never win the worlds but theres a reason why the taller riders normally do. And I'm not comparing all the top level riders but compare all the top riders with dam good riders that dont scrape the top 10 at the worlds... most of them are actually shorter.


never mind .. in the end it is how you ride the bike but im just saying that i think height limits when trying to go bigger.

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I think taller people do have an advantage, because naturallly they have a longer maximum possible extension to preload over and pull the bike up more, etc. But small riders can be amasing too (just look at Riki Muruta... he's AMASING rider in my opinion, I look up to him because Im not exactly tall but it gives me something to aim towards when Im blaming my lack of trialsing skill on my height!).

Smaller riders may be a little more limited, but its up to skill and exercise to reach your physical limits before taller people should really exell over you.

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