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What Do You Do When...


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I forgot my dads birthday. I don't know how I managed it, basically my parents split up, and my mum would usually remind me. But this year she didnt. It was last wednesday and because I don't see him often I only found out today when I went round his house and saw cards on the side.

I feel like an absolute cock. I'm skint bar 5quid, and I need to make it up some how.

When I mentioned it he pretended to not care, but he blatantly does and I feel really bad, as I know it gets to him that I don't see very much of him...

I wouldn't normally come to a forum for advice like this, but for some reason I wanted to post it...

Please give me some advice and console me saying it's happened to others of you out there.


(a very pissed with himself)


edit: No smart comments please, I know i'm a dick, don't need reminding further.

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Doesn't need to be expensive, as your dad probably makes more money than you. So get something really thoughtful. That he needs or would really like. Or just spend time with him and ask him if he wants to watch a film with you or something so he gets to spend time with you.

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Sorted it out guys, spent the whole of last night watching a really cool documentary about jazz on bbc 4 with him, then today went out for a early meal and then presented him with the Live aid dvd and a card (don't ask how I afforded it) which he was really pleased with.

Thanks for the kind replies,


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