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Shaun H

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Ok I've got my GCSEs coming up fairly soon and I was wondering what people's opinions were on revision. Some of my teachers want me to do a crazy amount of revision but others don't seem as fussed. I want to do some, even though I'm very far behind atm I think that if I start now it might help later on.

Thanks (Y)

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Mate, you can't do enough!!! Some people are lucky and can pass GCSE's without trying, but the majority of people will need to get some done. Ask your teacher (esp. a Psychology teacher) for a learning style assessment (Can't remember the real name) and they'll help you to find which ways you learn best, either through sight, sound or repitition. This way you'll know the most efficient way that you learn, and can use it you save you time and stress...

It's worth getting used to revising now so that you'll be a pro at it come A-Level time...

Hope this helps!

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Mate I got 6b's 2c's and a d and I did jack all revision! I dossed around a skatepark between revision lessons and I still did ok. Your GCSE's mean everything for about 10 mins afterwards and then you hit As, aslong as you get into college it doesn't matter. Just work hard through 6th/College!

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Revise (Y) just dont waste any time, and nstead of watching tv or something, do revision. Also start early and just revise for about an hour a day a long way away from the exams. Don't worry about it though, its easy (Y) .

I wish i revised more for my GCSEs because then i'd be better at my a levels now....i dont even really know how to revise properly.

In my GCSEs i got 1 a in maths, 7 bs, 3 cs and 1 d in tech.

I revised for maths (i enjoyed it) but nothing else.

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Doing the best you can do in GCSE's is important if you want to go to uni if i remember rightly, cos when you're filling in uni application forms, i think some of your predicted grades are based on GCSE results. Also, cos i didn't get enough A's at GCSE, i wasn't put on the list for Oxbridge application, so if this is important to you, make sure you revise.

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you know you've done enough when a few past exam papers stop being challenging. All i do is exam papers, then if i don't know how to do a question i actually revise the topic then carry on with the exam paper. Works quite well so far for me

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Personally i haent done NO revision at all for my GCSE...(EG..mocks etc) And i have been getting D,C,B. So personally i havent be doing that bad imo. But now im wanting o get mostly B's and the odd A in my studys as ive lost most of it cos of teachers havent had the beleife that i can do it....!

So now im doing ALL my c.work to the best it can be...and gonna revise alittle to piss of all my teachers that say i cannot get what i can do!!


Scotty (Y)

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Personally i haent done NO revision at all for my GCSE...(EG..mocks etc) And i have been getting D,C,B. So personally i havent be doing that bad imo. But now im wanting o get mostly B's and the odd A in my studys  as ive lost most of it cos of teachers havent had the beleife that i can do it....!

So now im doing ALL my c.work to the best it can be...and gonna revise alittle to piss of all my teachers that say i cannot get what i can do!!


Scotty  :P

Lmfao, good luck. :blink:

I've been predicted 2 b's in my GCSE's, not done to badly. :)

The rest are A's and A*'s haha. :P

I find it really hard to actually "revise" as such. Past papers will do alot more good for me.

Again, just revise as much as you want to. If you know what you think you can get with/without revision, then, well, whatever. If you know that little bit of work will get you that extra grade.

Doing work may seem like a bore at the time, but in the end, you'll appreciate it. :P

Mike. :)

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Really, all this... 'I did nowt/loads and got ...etc' is completely unhelpful as everyones ability is different.

Basically, it comes down to the fact that it's better to do too much than too little, so do as much as you can possibly be bothered to do. Of course, the ealier you start the better, as you'll have less to do later on (only if you have extra time on top of your regular work, it would be silly to let that suffer). Just work as hard as you can be arsed to and see how it goes.


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Everyone, although I don't personally know you, don't skip on revision. I made the biggest mistake of putting my girlfriend over EVERYTHING back at school (ie no revision included) , and it f**ked up 90% of my education....

I am now having mighty difficulty getting a job.......*sigh*


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I was like 'yeah i'm gonna revise for a month before hand...'

Then in reality I revised the night before, or a couple of nights before for pretty much all the exams. I did fine, and got 8 A* + A's and the rest B's.

They aren't hard, as long as you follow the stuff...

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  • 3 months later...
I was like 'yeah i'm gonna revise for a month before hand...'

Then in reality I revised the night before, or a couple of nights before for pretty much all  the exams. I did fine, and got 8 A* + A's and the rest B's.

They aren't hard, as long as you follow the stuff...

[Huge bump]

Haha. Asif. Are you generally smart? My mate Giles is like that. He doesn't revise or try and gets awesome grades. It's just his natural ability I guess.

I'm starting serious revision now. 2 hours a night hopefully. Exams in like 3 weeks! Argh!

I'm hoping me going to a Grammar school might help me a bit? :lol: (it won't!)

My mocks are D's, C's and B's. I did absolutly no revision for them.

I just can't ever try and revise. The computer is way too tempting ;)

I might go on bbc bitesize.


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to be honest the only revision I ever did was the stuff they gave us in class and speaking german. I was lucky and got all A's and B's but I think I would have revised more if I did them again. Just do it when you have the time and don't panic because that makes the exams worse.

good luck x

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you know you've done enough when a few past exam papers stop being challenging. All i do is exam papers, then if i don't know how to do a question i actually revise the topic then carry on with the exam paper. Works quite well so far for me

Thats all you have to do - learn how to pass exams ;) Sucks really!

Do as much revision as you want/need. I did zero and still came out with all As and above. Each to their own!

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Yer bitesize was the best way for me, i did v little revision for GCSE's and got A's B's and C's.

I found that for history especially bitesize was the best, the essay questions that were on there when i did my revision (2 yrs ago) were the exact same ones i got in my actual history exam ;) (Y) No joke they were the exact same essays, get on there and u don't have to spend time rumaging through lots of scruffy repeated notes that youve probably copied down wrong in a rush.

Sure you should read through your notes aswell but deffinately check out BBC Bitesize. :lol:


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