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Bath/bristol Vid


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Homegrown Pushbikes

click on New Pushbike TV, (at the top)

right click on the picture on the right - save target as (please dont stream!)

anyway, yeah. Just left over footage from loads of rides, a bit of 2004 busa footage, flatland bmx, etc...

Riders are:

Dan Stansbridge (muddy fox dahniller)

Oli from Bridgeporttrials (on his bmx)

Matt Potter

Matt Staples

Rowan Johns

Let me know what you think. Ta. (Y)

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Cool little video, you must do a lot of travelling to film all that footage, though it would appear it's from a quite a long time ago! Was it all your own footage or do you have other buddies filming across the country?

Made a welcome change to hear some hip-hop too (Y)

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Yeah we got a crack team of genetically modified monkeys with cameras spliced into their heads. Works wonders.

Actually most of its Bath or Bristol. The only bits that arent is the BUSA footage, which I raced in (badly) and the breakdancin at the end, which was while I was in Hamsterdam on hol.

Yeah it was all from a while ago - Staples is doin SCARY stuff now, and Rowan was still ridin his curtis - them were the days!

P.s. 10 points to the person who names the *established* (ie not my little bag of shite) video that the song is from!


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  mundlebundle said:
But dont go to bristol uni - bath is a brilliant uni! Im doin Civ eng an love it!

Bath is a shithole of a uni, don't apply there. When people say "Oh Bath, that sounds like a nice place." Well, it is, but once you take the trip up the huge hill, you'll soon see the tonnes of ugly grey concrete... it looks like Slough. The campus is tiny and all the students' nights out were organised in Bristol.

Apply to Bristol (Y)"

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ok 10 points to the666rs. Good effort.

As for Bath being sh*te, RoyalTrials? Well i gotta say its not. IF you dont know where your goin then mebbe it is, but there are so many mint underground places to go out its untrue! We get SO many wicked bands and DJs all the time! The student nights are wicked, and yes mebbe the uni is all in one place and its mainly concrete, BUT that does make it one massive covered trials arena! (Y)

Each to their own man. Bath is small - I can walk through town and see a dozen people I know at least. Some people might get knarked at that, but I like it. I know when I graduate im tryin my damnedest to stay here.

ANYWAY. The Vid. Do people like it or what? Its just the leftover bits of footage, but otherwise? Constructive criticism anyone?

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  mini MAN said:
click on the pusbikes wrote in PINK then you will see a strip of vids then right click save...e.t.c on the first pic u see and hey presto u have the vid.

will edit when done downloading now (Y)


no when i click on the link given in this post....it says this page cannot be displayed....the site does not open

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  EchoTeamRider said:
no when i click on the link given in this post....it says this page cannot be displayed....the site does not open

Ach. Our site is a bit tempramental to be honest! :">

the web add. is:


Or try clickin here!

Thanks for the input guys :wub:

Edited by mundlebundle
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  Stephen Morris said:
Nice video, but I can't believe you pinched a song from another bike video - that's just cheeky. There are enough songs out there for you to choose you own  :wub:

It's just something I frown apon I guess. Cheers for the video, there aren't many around at the moment.

No, I totally know that you mean man. I'd just got the sprung 5 music off a mate an was listenin to it continuously. It was pretty much the reason why I made the video! I did a bad thing and im very sorry.

Consider my wrists slapped. :">

Hey anyone know where I can download the latest Ashton vid? Ive heard its pretty sick!

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