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Tony Blair You Fool


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Official? I dunno.

As for the general election... I am least pissed off by the labour government, so I'll vote for them. If only it could be a positive vote, rather than "the lesser of two (three?) evils". The Green party don't really stand in general elections...

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well thats what the lonny partys all about fun but there is a serious side to it.... you know whos ever come up with a roll out zebra crossing... the loony party!!!!, was ace that was (Y)

come on everyone you dont want to vote labour when they rip you off!! vote loony and make britain a better place but all i gotta say to my mum is MAKE MORE TRIALS PARKS then more or less everyone on here will vote haha lol

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15) Tell Blaireo to carry on ignoring small children who have overambitious views and know absolutely nothing about running a country. Especially like the ones who were on that T4 program.

I honestly thought that might be interesting so i dragged myself out of bed to watch it ... those people sitting around him just spouted shite for an hour ... I couldnt belive that they wasted a rare oppurtunity like that to act like schoolkids. It made it quite amusing that they all thought they were outsmarting him when they really... really werent.


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HAHAHA today i am sittin in my humble abode when *rustle rustle KAAA SPLATTTTT* i hear a letter fall through my door. oh my god ITS FOR ME  :o  from  (Y) 'The House Of Commons' here by invitin me along with some other random kids my age to go to the H.O.C for a meeting. Basicaly its because im an up coming voter and labour want all the lil skids to vote for them. So any ways me and my 'Mother Hucking' (freerider) mate are gonna go,  due to the fact its prob a once in a life time thing me and my mate have a  to do list

TO DO list:

1)take pic of us outside

2)see if we can find Tony Blair

3)eat as much of the free food as possible

4)Tell Mr Blair to stop talking outta his 'Guff Hole' and tell the truth

5)genraly wander around restricted area's

6) take a Sh :sick: T in the toilets just to say we have

7)if the taps are gold plated we shall chip it off and sell it :P because were ghetto :P

8)steal what ever we can  :-"  *twasn't us officer*

9) we havn't thought of yet!

lol as you can see we are both very imature and don't belive the crap on the letter sayin they wish to know our views on whats wrong with this contry cause we all know that they will just say there gonna make it all better so we think they've listened to us and then we vote for them and then they larf and piss it all back in our faces cause there in power for another term ! so we intend to be bad  (Y)  (Y)

could you please not speel like a chav?

Edited by The Foamoi Refresher
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oi mate ^^^^^^ whos writen above, i'll write how i like. My life i do it my way, don't start! had a bad enough week as it is with out you tell me how to 'SPEEL' :blink: i think you ment 'SPELL' and if you wanna see writing like a chav bruv then why didn't you just ask

oi yeah, bruv like i woz up esso garidge innit gettin pet-rol for me ped an this tw@ comes testin me geeze so i was like. Oi bruv u wanna step the F**K back geeze before i merk you.........

That okay? now i don't belive my writing is much like that? (A) do you? thats what i thought (Y) so keep shtum :o thank you.

::Disclaimer:: ive had a very bad week which isn't getting any better (Y) and i have a very short fuse so its nothing personal if anybody is offended by my comments


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Tony Blair is a good primeminister. He came into power after the tories. What had the tories done to the country before he came into power, they ruined it. They sold of many companies owned by the government eg railways. They closed almost all the mines which was a major source of income and thousands of people lost jobs. Making unemplyment sky rocket due to lack of jobs.

Tony Blair has had a very tough time. Give him some slack, if he gets re elected I'm sure we will se improvements in other things. He is already slowly buying back the railways. I mean slowly as not all companies want to sell back to the government. I've definatly noticed how terrible trains are since british railway was taken over by private companies. All the private railway companies who own the railways now will never work as well as one big companie did.

Interest rates are the lowest ever arn't they? Yes.

If I could vote now, I would vote for laybour. He's sorting this mess that the tories left.

I could never vote for tories they would heavily tax the poor and lightly taw the rich. Can you see any point in that? I can't its just backwards.

The lib dems are a bunch of headless chickens who either copy of take things from newspapers that are bad, to improve them. Kennedy would be useless in power, does he look like he could be in power, he looks pathetic.


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I hope you know alot about Politics Koxxy. Because I'd love you to ask something and TB answers it with a stupidly clever political answer. My god that would be marvelous.

And the person who said Tony Blair came in after Tories, erm The New Labour government is pretty much a tory one.

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lol if i say anything it'll be about the poor state this justice system is in and the fact that all the good people get punished the the jerk offs get praised or give stupid punishments

to be honest i couldn't care less, its just some stupid PR compaign to get narrow minded young people to vote for labour (shite) Tony Blair and labour have done f**k all other then protect minoritys and screw over all the hard working citizens. I wonder if thats why half his party members deserted him not to long ago!

Edited by KoxXy
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dude you don't see what i mean. He favours all the minorities and because of this labour get in over and over again because all the minoritys then vote cause they get everything they want. When we had an asylum seeker problem MOST other countrys told them to get bent and move on, but no not good old Tony Blair.........and look what happened he got them in hotels, gave them mobile phones. In return they take up our hospital beds and scrounge off the state. I.E hard workin citizens that pay tax, most of it goes to the lazy bums that cannot be bothered to work on that are on benifits. Tony is such a nice man he would bend over backwards to please anybody that isn't bloody english. We cannot even fly the english flag because it affends people, but they can fly there flags and do there things and we cannot complain incase we are sued for racialy discriminating against them. This country is a bloody joke.

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Some of that post was utter shite.

Are you saying we should get rid of the dole as well, or not? You were a bit confusing with the whole "lazy bums that cannot be bothered to work on that are on benifits"?

And where did you get all this fantastic information from?

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I hope you know alot about Politics Koxxy. Because I'd love you to ask something and TB answers it with a stupidly clever political answer. My god that would be marvelous.

And the person who said Tony Blair came in after Tories, erm The New Labour government is pretty much a tory one.

I know their policies are a little less laybour these days but their better for low income people than rich. All those adverts for benifits, better benifits, more benifits. Just the tories did alot of damage to our country plunging the money we have down alot.

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i dnt no scwat and it dnt matter

they invited me.

lol if i say anything it'll be about the poor state this justice system is in and the fact that all the good people get punished the the jerk offs get praised or give stupid punishments

to be honest i couldn't care less, its just some stupid PR compaign to get narrow minded young people to vote for labour (shite) Tony Blair and labour have done f**k all other then protect minoritys and screw over all the hard working citizens. I wonder if thats why half his party members deserted him not to long ago!

dude you don't see what i mean. He favours all the minorities and because of this labour get in over and over again because all the minoritys then vote cause they get everything they want. When we had an asylum seeker problem MOST other countrys told them to get bent and move on, but no not good old Tony Blair.........and look what happened he got them in hotels, gave them mobile phones. In return they take up our hospital beds and scrounge off the state. I.E hard workin citizens that pay tax, most of it goes to the lazy bums that cannot be bothered to work on that are on benifits. Tony is such a nice man he would bend over backwards to please anybody that isn't bloody english. We cannot even fly the english flag because it affends people, but they can fly there flags and do there things and we cannot complain incase we are sued for racialy discriminating against them. This country is a bloody joke.

all the lazy people that cannot be bothered to work, that just claim on benifits!

never know he might even ask to have a few tokes

You don't know much about politics do you? Or much about what's going on.

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(Y) im 18, i can't be bothered to sit and listen to a bunch of old pricks f**k up our country. I watched this thing on the news about tony blair and some other jerk havin a so called house of commons discussion and it was just a 'come back match' one of them said somthing and then the party members all went OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH and the other had a come back etc etc and it wasn't even that political. to be honest, they've invited all these teens to house of commons to sell the labour party, and prob try make tony blair look like a people person who cares what we all think. i int buying it and to be honest you can say what the hell you like. i have strong views i stick by what i have to say even if it is shit. My oppinion and nobody can or will change that so you might as well give up.

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