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You Know You're A Trialster When...


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you know your a trials rider when....

you walk round town and you hear a big lorrys brakes (or horn for that matter (or you live somewhere near a port and a ship blows its horn)) and you snap you head around thinking - OTHER TRIALS RIDERS !!

haha i do that, i was preety gutted once because the only time there was other trials rider in our town i was on a bus to scotland for a week!!! :) :P

Or when you start mixing trials into convosation,like instead of lesson-leeson and when your sat in lesson and you start thinking about what to ride when you get home, and you consider calling work to throw a sickie just so you can ride an extre night in the work, or when you go to work o your bike, and your working in the warehouse,and you wait for everyone to leave,and you re-arrenge the palletes,and sneakily get your bike and ride for half an hour, great fun,especcialy(sp?)when your getting payed to ride for 30 mins :) :P not that i do this :)" :blink:

Edited by boovey
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oh yeh i got another one... you know your a trialster when....

you'v cut the seat post of one of those little finger bmx's and put a rear wheel off of a toy motox bike on to make it a mod trials bike. then start doing crazy lines on the desk in front of the computer  :P  :)  :blink:  :">

oh my god i thought i was the only one who done this! can you do the gap from the mouse to the keyboard?

oh yeah and snap for the homepage thing :P


i think i need a life :P

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oh yeh i got another one... you know your a trialster when....

you'v cut the seat post of one of those little finger bmx's and put a rear wheel off of a toy motox bike on to make it a mod trials bike. then start doing crazy lines on the desk in front of the computer  :P  :)  :blink:  :">

oh my god :"> i do that. but it gets worse....

on the new koxx site you know when you cilck one of the buttons it makes a braking sound, i click and do gaps with my finger bike at the same time :"> i know... i confess... its truly sad :"> im sorry (Y)

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oh my god :">  i do that. but it gets worse....

on the new koxx site you know when you cilck one of the buttons it makes a braking sound, i click and do gaps with my finger bike at the same time :">  i know... i confess... its truly sad  :">  im sorry (Y)

LMAO! Hahahaha! I think you took it too far. :)"

it would be even funnier if my little brother hadn't completely detroyed both my finger bikes to do the exact same thing.

I can however beat this extreme example of lameness, (well my mate can), he set up a little course with video boxes and filmed himself doing finger trials. :blink: :P

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LMAO! Hahahaha! I think you took it too far.  :P"

it would be even funnier if my little brother hadn't completely detroyed both my finger bikes to do the exact same thing.

I can however beat this extreme example of lameness, (well my mate can), he set up a little course with video boxes and filmed himself doing finger trials.  :P  (Y)

HAHAHAHAAHa lol well when your bored, you think of crazy stuff dont you haha

id try if i was you , you will laff your f**kin sokxs off haha :) i did :P

my ieda :blink: :)

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oh yeh i got another one... you know your a trialster when....

you'v cut the seat post of one of those little finger bmx's and put a rear wheel off of a toy motox bike on to make it a mod trials bike. then start doing crazy lines on the desk in front of the computer  :(  :(  (Y)  :">

God damn i've done that :">

Snap to the homepage thing.

When you get a bad report in maths becasue all you think about is the lines you wanta get hammered that night, yeah I got my reprot yesterday.

Is it bad that all the things that have been said are to true???? I do all these things :">

Marc :D

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Your 1000 pound bike has only 1 gear , no suspension or saddle , and is lower than most children's bikes...

you select holiday destinations on the basis of good riding spots...

You read this thread.

Mine's like that:(


When you're on msn telling someone about going to the White Rose shopping centre and call it the white industries shopping centre by accident :- lol :wub:

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