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You Know You're A Trialster When...


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when your 21 and looking for a volvo estate so you can fit all your kit and riding buddies in so can travel more places! I should be looking at fast cars at my age!

lol this one is so relavant to me if i wasnt a rider i would be looking for a fiesta or something small for my first car but no im a rider so i need an astravan lol


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when you go on the internet and you automatically type 'www.trials-forum.co.uk' instead of the website you want to go too!

when you get pissed off that your favorite walls have had (spikey) railings put up by the council!

when you have watched manifesto everynight for the past two weeks!

when you go somewhere new and look for bash/tyre marks to see if its already been ridden!!

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hehe god im the worst for spoting lines

i cant go any where with out either saying ohh yeahhh i could go up here do this do that n finish off here it could be out loud or in my head i just dont know?, i just do it haha, i drive my friends mad by doing it every where i go (Y)

or use your fingers like a bike an gap things on the desk hehe, loadsa fun  :D  :ermm:

Guilty on all counts. B)

when you go on the internet and you automatically type 'www.trials-forum.co.uk' instead of the website you want to  go too!

when  you get pissed off that your favorite walls have had (spikey) railings put up by the council!

when you have watched manifesto everynight for the past two weeks!

when you go somewhere new and look for bash/tyre marks to see if its already been ridden!!

Very guilty.

Snap x2  (Y)


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Snap x2   (Y)

Snap again (Y) .

ahhh trials.

When your girl friend goes wanna come round, mine on sunday and you go,

no im going riding. (Y) .

When you do trials with your finger over tables and rulers and books and stuff :D .

Edited by mavic
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Haha I do the things with my fingers (and occasionally tap things with my feet under desks) all the time at school and even on my keyboard at home :P

T-F has been my homepage for aaaaages and I dont know why cause I never really look at stuff just dl vids but theres not many up now...

But as for the real topic;

- When you have 6.13Gb of trials videos on your second hard disk when its only a 12Gb disk!

James :blink:

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