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Help Me Expand My Musical Knowledge


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well ive been trying to search for music made by bands like;

athlete, coldplay, streophonics, embrace, thrills etc,

i want to find more bands that make that kinda of music, but im not sure if its indy or pop rock or something.

if anyone knows of any bands like these, or what genre they be in, i would like to know (Y)(Y)


p.s is there any bands like linkin park or lost prophets that people know about??

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I used to be into the same sort of music as you a while back, but now got into more heavyer stuff.

Some of the stuff I used to listen to;

Snow patrol, The hives, the vines, oasis, nickleback, travis, badly drawn boy, supergrass, ash, feeder, idlewild, muse, jj72, fun lovin' criminals, doves, star sailor, richard ashcroft, the verve, gomez, semisonic, the mock turtles, radio head, athlete, dirty vegas.

Sam. Hope iv helped (Y)

edit: shpelling

Edited by Sam@SouthTrials.tk
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  Sam@SouthTrials.tk said:
I used to be into the same sort of music as you a while back, but now got into more heavyer stuff.

Some of the stuff I used to listen to;

Snow patrol, The hives, the vines, oasis, nickleback, travis, badly drawn boy, supergrass, ash, feeder, idlewild, muse, jj72, fun lovin' criminals, doves, star sailor, richard ashcroft, the verve, gomez, semisonic, the mock turtles, radio head, athlete, dirty vegas.

Sam. Hope iv helped (Y)

edit: shpelling

Now thats a quality list, dont get many people into the good 'ol music much anymore. Oasis should be releasing their new album soon, noel says he has 66songs lined up, might make a double album, or just a single. Bout time they released on i say!


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hey cheers u guys!! oh and i listen to music for myself and myself only. i listen to music at every possible chance, i use it to complement my moods and also change them if im in a mood that i dont like at tht moment it time, i dont know what id do without music!! sorry for the lil rant and all, but music means a lot to me, i like a very large range of music, with no preference, im just wanting to expand my library in this area (Y)

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  TheCircus said:
I say...Oasis should die, along with that list. God i hate everyone of those bands. But good luck with Indie...maybe at some point a good band may come along, that reminds me; The Yeah Yeah Yeah's are vaguely acceptable. Try them.

well I kinda say the same now. but I still enjoy listing to all the old stuff like that (Y) brings back good memories.

Sam (Y)

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  TheCircus said:
Don't listen to that. Listen to Refused and you will be forgiven.

Buy Refused - The shape of punk to come

But dont try and expand your musical knowledge just to sound cool, do it because you love music, only then will your quest for musical zen be fufilled.

You do realise how immensely hypocritical that post is?

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i think so, a few of my mates love music, but only listen to one type. i used to only listen to happy hardcore (dance), now ill listen to anything, from hardcore dance to reggae. yet i still love music now as much as i did then. meh

my bad, kinda read the post wrong, but hey, its still a good point!!

annnddd... i think he ment hypocritical in the way you wrote the post, saying not to listen to what i was asking about, but to listen to what you like, then saying to expand ones knowledge. could be wrong like

Edited by pacman001001
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  TheCircus said:
So you say you can't love music if your music taste is narrowminded/focused?

I'm not saying that. But you said (simplified):

"Listen to the music you want"

"Listen to (XXX band of a different genre)"

If he listens to music that you're telling him to, that would be him listening to it to fit in and be cool, rather than obviously listening to what he wants.

Kasabian (Y)

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this is the type of music i most love (Y) although i listen to lots of other "genres" too

some other bands you might like to check out...



The Killers


Turin Breaks

The Coral

The Zutons

David Gray


Damien Rice

Jack Johnson


Kings of Leon

Zero 7

The Ordinary Boys

Kasabian as Tomm said (my fav at the moment)

Hope this qualifies me as being cool

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pacman if you rate happy hardcore as dance then you didnt really like it . Not being offensive but its like people calling everything trance for example special D... when trance is totally different to what they say ( e.g. liquid life - new dawn ).

i guesse its the same as someone saying just cos a song has a guitar its punk? annoying.

but yes... my contribution to the thread... uhhh listen to... uhhh... antiflag.. now that is punk... thats all i got...

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  Spacemunkee said:
pacman if you rate happy hardcore as dance then you didnt really like it . Not being offensive but its like people calling everything trance for example special D... when trance is totally different to what they say ( e.g. liquid life - new dawn ).

i guesse its the same as someone saying just cos a song has a guitar its punk? annoying.

but yes... my contribution to the thread... uhhh listen to... uhhh... antiflag.. now that is punk... thats all i  got...

Totally agree. Hardcore is not Dance, it is Hardcore.

Also, when people say "I love Hard House, Scooter is great" erm, excuse me? He is euro-pop not Hard House, and is cheesy as hell!

On the subject, how annoying is it searching for dance tunes on Kazaa or the like and a filename comes up "dance techno rave acid jungle hardcore - Best tune ever ever ever 5"... Erm, so which is it? Then you download it and it's 123BPM rubbish. Sorry to whinge lol...

Anyway, try some older punk music... The Clash, the buzzcocks, Sex Pistols etc... some real vintage class :mellow:

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  MadManMike said:
Also, when people say "I love Hard House, Scooter is great" erm, excuse me? He is euro-pop not Hard House, and is cheesy as hell!

Do many people say that? I don't exactly follow the house music scene (That is to say I don't like it :mellow:), but I know scooter, they did that shit Pink Floyd cover. Kinda like saying "I am pure emo, and my favourite band is Busted!"

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  MadManMike said:
Anyway, try some older punk music... The Clash, the buzzcocks, Sex Pistols etc... some real vintage class :-

not bad, but i prefer older american punk

try new york dolls, misfts and the ramones :mellow:

also try love/hate who put all there albums on the interweb to download :ermm: for free!! the first too are the best :(

the wildhearts too and guns n roses \mm/


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