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Most Enjoyable Part Of Riding

Olly C

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When your out and about riding alone or with mates whats the part of riding that makes you really smile and feel happy about yourself?

I find it really enjoyable to breeze up a nice wall to back wheel and just stick it perfect, now Im not the greatest at ups in general and its not really my favourate thing to do but it gives me the euphoric feeling and kinda makes me smile when I know Im trying a fairly large wall and yet make it perfect. Doing it first times always better but whenever still feels good >_<

What parts of riding do you particulary like? Making a nice sidehop? Conquering a big drop gap? Controlling your bike over a nice slippery natrual section?

Remember its not just what do you like about riding as in being with your mates and general riding its what bits of it really make you smile B)

Let us know..

Cheers Olly

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It's like someone has in their signature... a quote from ashton...

"What do i love about trials... When someone gets a line perfect it's beautiful.."

I think thats how it goes!

But to me that sums up riding, when your out with your mates - when someone (doesn't even have to be you) hits that line or lands that trick it's brilliant!

hence the spontaneous "YEAH!" >_<


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I like seek&ride sessions in nature. Finding some spots that no one has rode before and messing around with some friends and pulling lines that make others >_< ...

Then we ride with our personal technique(sp) and try to do things with different way than others.

Natural trials is for me the greatest pleasure on earth. Some times it isn't easy at all but if you keep on trying and then "clean" your section it is so rewarding!

F@#¤in' winter! I want to do natural!

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I have just come back from riding.. Nailed a gap I've eyed up every day walking to school for a year now.. I finally managed to end up at the spot and do it. Took about 20 tries but managed to land it.. 6ft between wooden rails, not too shoddy. Feels great! >_<

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I love the feeling you get inside when people appreciate summit you've done, brilliant >_<


normally followed by the sound of me falling off B)" . nailing a move or section how i want is all ways a great feeling. can be as little as a kerb to lil wall or a gnarly drop i'm happy either way (Y)


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Being on the bleeding edge of loosing control.....

......And not loosing it.

That's what makes me burst in a nervous laugh or sheer joy... just feel so happy to stick to the balance, after I fought an invisible balance control for 2 seconds, and not fall off after all...

It happens when climbing sideways, or landing sharp on a beam...

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I guess theres 3 things I really enjoy about going out riding, firstly just going out on a ride had having a good laugh and mess about with some friends.

I also love feeling like I'm riding with flow, half the time the moves look small or are small but just that feeling when you dont fight the bike but just roll/curve/float with it.

And finallyI really enjoy trying new different moves, things I think (hope) people havent tried, or lines people say "you cant do that". Example theres a double steped bench in Worcester when the step up from the first to second level is slightly sloped, I wondered if it would be possible to wall ride/wall tap the slope, and was told "nah, that wont happen" and I had a few goes, and it would go, it wasn't pretty but I did it. It just felt nice knowing I believed in me enough and it worked out.

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I find it really enjoyable to breeze up a nice wall to back wheel and just stick it perfect, now Im not the greatest at ups in general and its not really my favourate thing to do but it gives me the euphoric feeling and kinda makes me smile when I know Im trying a fairly large wall and yet make it perfect. Doing it first times always better but whenever still feels good (Y)

Nothing more to be said for me (Y)


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