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Coust Ribo Trials Shoes...


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yup i have some mine are starting to get very small holes in bottom but i have had them AGES and mean AGES since they first came out, the sides of them and the back are fine no rips even though back bit did try ripping off but super glue stopped that and been fine since. I wear them all the time nearly i am at work now and i have got them on. The BEST riding shoes full stop they still grip really well even though the sole is flat and no grooves.


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I havent had a set of ribos yet but i have had tryyalls and monty's. yep my try-alls were crap to and lasted about 5 months max but every pair of montys i'ved had have lasted me until i have grown out of them. Only thing i have noticed about ribos is that they rip down the side quite easily.


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my ribo shoes are pretty sweet had them a while and still pretty much perfect i dont wear them to often through lack of riding but they do seem to be real tough worth the money i paid id say.

you must stand on your pedals real dodgy by the looks of your koxx shoes.

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I suppose in a way they are just like bike tyres, loads of grip for a short while but of course the wear rate is not long lived. Long life / less grip, you get the picture.

Just less than a year isn't too bad, I usually go through a pair on riding shoes like that in a year or so.

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ive had both.

My try-alls went exactly the same as yours, ive had severa pairs and theyve all gone like that. I even had them re-soled and they went again.

My ribos. The soles are still ok think there is a tiny hole beggining to show. However the material has torn this happened within a month of me getting them, i have holes near the ankles now. It has improved ventilation :blink: but no not happy. Im not too keen on the monty ones but might give them a go.

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May i ask how exactly your shoes are in that condition, i have had mine since the end of july last year, and brought new atomlab aircorp pedals at the same time, and the soles of my shoes are no where near as bad as that, and other than the soles where both sides have only 2 holes through the rubber, on the left being slightly worse due to that being my lead foot, they are in perfect condition, no signs of wear any where else. These shoes have been worn ALOT too, riding aleast 3-4 times a week dueing the summer, and atleast twice a week during the winter.

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  Bigman said:
May i ask how exactly your shoes are in that condition,

Yes, it does look like ive been standing on drills. But NO.

I use DMR v12 mags and i'm out on my bike about twice a week.

You havent had your shoes long enough. but you will experience the same problems.

It starts after a few months of riding with a little hole will develop, or maybe two. Then a month after that a few more holes and a rip develop.

Another couple of months down the line and your shoes are like mine and your faced with the saem dilema as me...... (N)

If i use trainers with a typically hard sole my feet can slip off the pedals and inflict damage to my poor shins (already wrecked)! and if i buy purpose made trials shoes (for double the price) the performance is good but the soles are flimsy...and they wont last me long. :-

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i never used to think trials shoe's would make a differance , i bought some hebo shoes once and they were toss so i just stuck to trainers and stuff. then i had some ribo's. just borrowed to try at first but i found they were good seem to improve the feel you get from the bike and grip to the pedals realy well. had mine a good 6 months and overs the first few i used them every day, ridins pickin up ageb with the weather and the same shoes will be out. proper good shoe's.


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My last pair of Vans worked out super nicely, for a year or so. The only thing I ever do with them is when they're new, just bend them back so the toe touches the tip of the tongue. Just keep flexing them there so you make the area by where you stand on the pedal a bit softer. My new Animals are a bit stiff in that area, but just breaking them in like that works wonders. DC Pill-soled shoes work really well too...

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