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As Promised... FIVE Prototype


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I'm a bit dissapointed at the lack of anything remotely streety... :blink:

I really wanna see onza bringing out a full on street frame that will take a real seat and is a decent size AND has no curves :)


Sounds good to me.

What happened to the T-Bone?

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Too be honest i think all them frames look to have been rushed and not alot of thougth gone into them,them holes at the back look shite,just drilled in fort sake of it.

My opinion.


p.s the carbon one aint bad.

i agree - just look like frames for frames sake - make enough and one will be right in the end. who was it said that if you filled a room with chimps each with a key board they would eventually write the entire works of shakespear - thats how these designs came about.

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Sexy mod bike porn but no stock loveliness. Get some stock frames on the go! Make them cheap, and not too long :blink:

And I'd rather have cheap and good geo than amazing strength. Chances are I'd get bored of it, so "disposable" frames are not a bad idea :)

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i agree - just look like frames for frames sake - make enough and one will be right in the end. who was it said that if you filled a room with chimps each with a key board they would eventually write the entire works of shakespear - thats how these designs came about.

Haha, someone really dislikes Onza! :blink:

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who was it said that if you filled a room with chimps each with a key board they would eventually write the entire works of shakespear - thats how these designs came about.

Who cares? If Onza have enough chimps, let them do it. Shakespeare is still amazing art, whether it's written by himself or some chimps :blink:

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who was it said that if you filled a room with chimps each with a key board they would eventually write the entire works of shakespear - thats how these designs came about.

whoever it was that said it was obviosuly a retard....keyboard??? shakespeare wrote plays, not music. :blink:

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I really like the pythoney one. But then its quite the same as other frames.

The shiney cnc'd one was by far my favourite. The carbon one looks cool and will probably the new thing for trials frames but i suppose only time will tell.

Dont suppose onza wanna give me (fat bloke) a proto bike to put some stress on?

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in my eyes i think onza have done a great job here, no frame is set for production but hence the prototypeness of it all, each frame has something innovative about it so whats the problem? they are only basic designs. Just like the whole coust thing had some innovative ideas, but people still seem to think that onza know nothing about their designs when they clearly do.

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i think onza are doing great at the moment, these look like some promissing designs, onza seem to be the only people who actual beleieve in the sport as they are progressing so much now and designing loads of new frames, they seem to design and test way more than any other trials company

oh the carbon top tube frame looks good as does the cnc'ed one :blink:


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How are onza doing great? theres to much bumming about onza. these prototypes are shit just look at them, they are shocking they look more like a street bike than a mod trials bike.

The bikes they do make that are even worth a thought are designs from other bike companys t pro - koxx, t rex -coustillier and even then they aint all that good t pro seems a bit shit as theres normally one or two dieing trex ride ok but looks well.... gash.

Im sorry but onza do as much for me as two fat ugly smelly homo's sucking dick.

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Theres to much bumming about Onza

I think about 1.5 years ago no-one would have ever said that :blink:

Don't see why you're being so prejudiced bike rider, at least they're trying? Even if some of the frames they bring out are copies, they're still alot cheaper than the competition, and usually with that little extra thought into them.

Plus people can only go on looks, no-one has any idea of the geometry of them. The CNC'd one could have f**king amazing geometry, and probably be incredibly stiff, and hopefully pretty damn strong, and knowing Onza, pretty cheap, what more could you want?

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How are onza doing great? theres to much bumming about onza. these prototypes are shit just look at them, they are shocking they look more like a street bike than a mod trials bike.

The bikes they do make that are even worth a thought are designs from other bike companys t pro - koxx, t rex -coustillier and even then they aint all that good t pro seems a bit shit as theres normally one or two dieing trex ride ok but looks well.... gash.

Im sorry but onza do as much for me as two fat ugly smelly homo's sucking dick.

bahahahaha :blink: :) comedy

i admire the principal behind those bikes but apart from maybe the first one...they all seem totally bollocks :)

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Rundown of my opinions:

1. I don't like it. The curved down tube makes the frame look rather wonky to me, this may be remedied when it's built up, but just as a frame it doesn't look at all appealing to me.

2. Looks nice, although it doesn't particularly stand out from the crowd of current production frames. I'm also not sure on the random little internal bit... but it does actually look quite good. I've roughly gimp'ed it to see what it would like without it (see here) and I think it makes little difference. Looks a little cleaner without, but kind of pulls the whole bit together with.

3. I rather like this and it certainly stands out. I think the seat tube above the top tube should go. I can't really see the frame looking good with a seat, unless onza have some sort of trials size, slim and sleek seat in the works. Even then it's probably look better with nothing sticking out the top there.

4. Very sleek and swish looking. Top tube looks a little high, but otherwise a nice looking frame. I didn't like the carbon at first, but it's growing on me.

5. I've never been keen on the T-Mag frame, so I'm not that keen on this one... seems alright for people who like that sort of thing though.

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