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As Promised... FIVE Prototype


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Well they all loot pretty disgusting to be honest! The only one I may consider is the second one down! Dont like any apart from that really, espically the the silver CNCd one! That just looks wrong!

Come on onza sort it out!

Rob :(

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Well they all loot pretty disgusting to be honest! The only one I may consider is the second one down! Dont like any apart from that really, espically the the silver CNCd one! That just looks wrong!

Come on onza sort it out!

Rob  :(

they are trying something new, and there is nothing wrong with that! its not harming anybody is it?

your opinion will be valued by onza but theres no need to be offensive!


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they are trying something new, and there is nothing wrong with that! its not harming anybody is it?

your opinion will be valued by onza but theres no need to be offensive!


Where the hell was I being offensive! Come on chap was only giving my opinion, no need to get your frilly knickers in a twist now was there!

Rob :)

Edited by Rob P
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Respect to onza for making something new and fresh! They are repidly shooting up the rankings towards my favourite make IMO.

I like frames 2, 3 and 4, althought I think the weird middle bit in frame 2 would probably not do much, and could look better either without it at all, or with it altered. Frame 3 I also agree looks perhaps a little bit cyborgy, and it makes me wonder if it would weigh a lot, or have welding weaknesses? Still cool though. Frame 4- nice use of carbon fibre!

Great going by onza, and great to see true customer care, taking opinions of us lot into their designing

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Not trying to stir anything here but:

Are these actual Onza designs, or were they just picking out frames from a catalogue?

I really like the black Coust-style frame, would like to see some pictures of the middle 'bracket' thing to see how big/thick it is and whether it'd actually do anything.

Good to see they're trying lots of ideas, any pictures of the stock frame Adam? :blink:

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As far as i know, ALL of these frames are very different to catalogue frame.

The 'middle bracket'... im not sure. Id guess at about 6mm, since it'll probably have been cleaned up from 1/4" (6.35mm) plate.

Stock frame... soon, maybe... maybe you'll have to come to Wales next weekend...

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As far as i know, ALL of these frames are very different to catalogue frame.

The 'middle bracket'... im not sure. Id guess at about 6mm, since it'll probably have been cleaned up from 1/4" (6.35mm) plate.

Stock frame... soon, maybe... maybe you'll have to come to Wales next weekend...

ooooo lucky us :blink:"

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Where the hell was I being offensive! Come on chap was only giving my opinion, no need to get your frilly knickers in a twist now was there!

Rob  :)

they have obviously worked their arses off to design and make those frames, probrably spent alot of money on them too.

you come along and say 'Come on onza sort it out!' will make them feel alot better about what they are doing(i think not!!!)

i think what they are doing is great and i think people who diss things like this should be shot(not really,lol).

sorry if im being a bit angry but i think you should be encouraging new designs. and not thinking that the current frames are best :blink:

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I like frames one and two. Frame one especially, because of it's close look to the 'Fly Bikes' flatland BMX, which is a lovely frame...

The CNC frame, however, is grusome and can't imagine anybody wanting to be seen on it.

Still, quality designs, not every day you see five frames from the same company with different ideas! :blink:

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they have obviously worked their arses off to design and make those frames, probrably spent alot of money on them too.

you come along and say 'Come on onza sort it out!' will make them feel alot better about what they are doing(i think not!!!)

i think what they are doing is great and i think people who diss things like this should be shot(not really,lol).

sorry if im being a bit angry but i think you should be encouraging new designs. and not thinking that the current frames are best :)

i think that people should say what they think. onza are a big company and they want our opinions on it. i dont think they will cry if they read someone say "they look shit". cause thats what a few people think, me included. i think they will work on it and be greatful that some people gave their actually own opinion on the frames.

sort it out onza! :blink: :)

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So no one remotelly agrees with my idea of taking the good points of each frame and making one tasty as f**k frame.

My idea again but a little clearer (I hope)

Take the front end of the carbon design whack in a normal headtube.

Take the one piece yoke and bb and the cncd goodness of the rear end of the other one and slim dowen the dropout area theres just no need for it.

Glue them all together and you have a very tasty frame.

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maybe we should have a little comp to see who can design (properly) the best frame and show it to onza :blink:  I doubt theyll wanna use the design but it will give them a proper idea of what we all like as a whole :)

I was thinking something not too far from those lines.

I was gonna put my really badly explained idea above into a picture but i cant use a computer to draw.

Then again my dissertation is almost done and i have time to waste so i might have a little go.

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maybe we should have a little comp to see who can design (properly) the best frame and show it to onza :blink:  I doubt theyll wanna use the design but it will give them a proper idea of what we all like as a whole :)

Not a bad idea Jay :)

However, its very difficult to convey your ideas using a computer/computer aided drawings though; unless youre relatively experienced...

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i think that people should say what they think. onza are a big company and they want our opinions on it. i dont think they will cry if they read someone say "they look shit". cause thats what a few people think, me included. i think they will work on it and be greatful that some people gave their actually own opinion on the frames.

sort it out onza! :blink:  :)

Onza sort it out :)

Exactly mate!! At least someone sees my point! Thats the whole point of a prototype, to see what people think and to see what there like! If everyone says, "oh yes onza, there great, oh yes!!" then when they come to sell them and knowone buys them I will wonder why! I think they just dont look right at all! Yeh ok fair enough that they've spent money, time etc into making them but so do all the other companys out there!!


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