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Join The Folding@home Team!

DJ Phaze

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When you are just browsing the net, or word-processing - are you *really* using all of your computer's resources??

Put those spare resources (CPU power, memory etc) to a GOOD CAUSE.

Stanford University has a distributed-computing project, all about protein folding - and they need your *spare* unused computer-power to help them.

It's a project contributed to by 1000's of Teams - or you can do it individually - who are contributing to the computation of very technical and detailed experiments..

Read more about it here -> http://folding.stanford.edu/

How to join...

1. Download the client at http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html (Or directly here for XP - http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/release/Folding@Home503.EXE )

2. When it asks for Team Number - type in 42023

3. Just forget it's there!

It will download data to process, and do it in the background - you won't even know it is there, as it is on the lowest priority for the CPU.

When it's finished, it will upload the results to Stanford's Server - and then download a new set of data to compute ;))

Clients available for:

Windows (all)



Happy Folding!

Questions? Just post below :D

:: Phaze ::

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Ooooo I've always wanted to participate in one of these mega-calculatory jobbies! I guess protein folding is better than some god-awful mathmatical equation.

It's a nice novelty to have I guess, I'll just leave it running whilst downloading overnight or something... :D

Oh, and who's a part of this 'team' then?

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The idea of the software, is that it runs whenever your PC is on - you won't notice the performance difference if it was working or not....

As for Team members? I'm not sure - as people haven't replied to this post (apart from you...)

Yer you're right, I've noticed very little performance change, even though Active CPU is always at 100%... I'm only ont webby, so maybe I'll notice when doing graphics or something.

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I bet I could notice the difference in performance, I'm gonna sign up ^_^

As Folding@Home is designed to have the LOWEST processor priority, you will not notice the difference...... If ANY application wants to do something, then the processor will stop using Folding@Home and concentrate on the application....

Like I said, you wouldn't notice it's there....

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i gather its for medical research on protein folding ?

or were just doing somones medical degree work :turned:

either way tis a good cause

The first one ^_^

And I don't think it's a good cause if you're doing someone's homework ^_^ But it's for research for drug interactions and possible proteins etc. Who have you got everyone folding for mr Phaze? ^_^

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It's for protein folding - biological research at Standford University (USA). Have a look on their website, as I'm sure the results they have analysed have had "real-world" contributions for the good of mankind....... something in the disease department, if I remember correctly...

Wouldn't you feel something, if your computer contributed to finding out a cure for some terminal disease? Especially when it has no impact on what you do on your computer - performance wise :turned:)

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Wouldnt be much point even if you could... then you'd have 2 going at half the speed  (Y)

And yeah, how come the stats arent updated? Ive done 130 odd of 400 frames, whatever that means  :S

Unless you've got a dual-cpu system lying around......

Ive seen in some of the PC hobbyist Forums (Mostly Overclockers) that some people have 8-CPU Servers folding for them...... that's 8 instances of Folding@Home going at the same time....


And for the problem of trying to run it with NFSU2, make a simple batch file which closes Folding@Home, then opens up the game for you :P) Then all you need to do is double-click one file :P)

Edited by DJ Phaze
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Ive got nothing against leaving it on except that it doesnt work alongside nfsu2 - keeps switching out to the desktop when folding is loaded  (Y)  I do however have my server box that has minimal load due to just routing internet and running downloads... can run it on there 24/7 :P

Doh! That's the quote I should have included...... sorry!

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Ive got nothing against leaving it on except that it doesnt work alongside nfsu2 - keeps switching out to the desktop when folding is loaded  (Y)  I do however have my server box that has minimal load due to just routing internet and running downloads... can run it on there 24/7 (Y)

I've discovered there's a console version - designed for people who game! It doesn't pop up every 3 minutes - just sits there, and uses the free resources....

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