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"real" Trials


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Alright guys, whatever.

Bottom line: The only thing humans have in common is that we're different. One person will prefer doing one thing, whilst others will prefer something else. Trials riders need to let go of the pointless categories that ghettoise the community. As has been said... just stick with whatever floats your boat. Who cares if someone does something a little different to someone else, or has a longer wheelbase than you. Does it actually matter?!

Ride whatever, however... then die.

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i carry my own bike thanks :) so god knows where this has come from must have me mistaken for someone else. who gives a f*ck if people think matt b is better than me ive seen him ride and ive seen myself ride thanks. youve seen me ride a hoppy hoppy biu competition and incase you have not noticed i am a uci rider. if you dont like me that is fine with me. and i said above i apologise for having my own opinions.

Real trials?

What would the opposite be then, UN – real trials. As far as I am concerned if you are doing it on a trials bike and enjoying it – it’s REAL.

I am not into the how high can you side hop, how far can you gap thing, to be honest I don’t know or care what height or distance I can get, but if its in a section then it has to done so I get on with it. I just do my best and I enjoy it when it goes right, “its real”, it’s about doing your best.

I have probably ridden more comps than most people in the U.K. in the last two years, mostly BIU but some UCI. I can’t understand why some are trying to force people to choose one or the other – its all trials; the rules when applied in sections are only slightly different. At world level BIU there is little time for a pedal rest or breather so you end up riding “clean” anyway. Don’t be fooled by the “there’s only one way forward” attitude. Both BIU and UCI are there to be enjoyed and if you want you can do both.

I don’t ride much street for one reason, I don’t live near any. I have respect for street riders; I enjoy watching street videos – its real trials on urban terrain.

I agree with the point made by fairy elephants, well said mate.


(Y)" dont want to cause an argument....but i believe ben here has done enough of both comps to no what he is talking about :)

if your a UCI rider, then why no just ride UCI in a BIU comp? there is nothing stopping you... (Y)

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(Y)" dont want to cause an argument....but i believe ben here has done enough of both comps to no what he is talking about <_<

Fair enough, but Aust knows what he's talking about too. In the two times I've ridden with Aust, he didn't seem big headed.

Anyway, I believe that you should ride for fun, and nothing else.


Edit: He got there first then.

Edited by davidgill
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says savage who sidehops to peddle and dabs up things ?.  ive seen savage rest on his peddle many a time.

ive been to the biu worlds aswell and some of the sectionsd arent as long as you think


He's a British and World Champ, (unless I'm much mistaken), therefore he must be doing something right.........

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I'm not having fun anymore so i'm going to backflip my bmx soon :)

Too much bitchiness, strange coincidence but i've stopped enjoying it since pretty much when all the u.c.i "your bike must be at least 17ft long" crap started, i get called a bmxer cos i ride a zebdi,ride at more than 5mph, and have riser bars!

Cocks  :)


You crack me up :unsure:

So your saying your quitting "trials" just because someone had a moan at you on a forum? hmmm ok........

Personally I like watching UCI, BUI, Booney type street etc. I enjoy watching it all.

Id say I personaly ride mostly UCI, but being shit at it I might land on my bashie accidentally a few more times than a true UCI rider.

Heres where I think the line is croseed:

My understood definition of TRIALS: Using your bike to get over/under/around technical obstacles in the most efficient way possible trying not to put your feet down

There isnt anything in there ^^^ about X-ups, manuals, wall rides, stalls etc etc etc

Thats not to say they arnt good, I just think they arnt trials? Id say the people who are doing this kind of riding are doing maybe 70% bmx and 30% trials. Its all good though.

Aust, you are living in a bit of a dream world mate. That coversation with you someone had with the topic of boon vs cousts made me laugh. You cant compare it. You cant compare it mainly because im pretty sure matt has no aspirations to do half of the stuff the cousts do?! No one can deny they are probably the best trials riders in the world but Im sure matt would rather watch someone else?

Boon you get abused by these type of threads :P

Edited by JTM
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My understood definition of TRIALS: Using your bike to get over/under/around technical obstacles in the most efficient way possible trying not to put your feet down.

There isnt anything in there ^^^ about X-ups, manuals, wall rides, stalls etc etc etc

There's nothing in there about front hooks, taps, wedges, cheese doodles, fat rims and tires though is there?

I think Jon's got it though, just without the efficient bit, as effitcient isn't always fun :unsure:

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