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Accidental Piercings And


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almost forgot, doing the 4x track at porc and i hit some rock on the course whilst going round a corner and it threw my off the back of the bit, but on the way off my fingers hit both brakes and i was going pretty fast, to a complete stop, the seat rails ended up in my stomach. wasnt a nice feeling :unsure:

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How come you've all been battered so much :unsure:

I've never done anything crazy like that to myself... The worst i've done is the usual dumb stuff like leaning on drawing pins into my palm and stuff, which doesn't really hurt lol.

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I have stapled my thumb

I have got a rubber glove and my hand that was inside of it wrapped around a compressed air gun (when fitting wheels to a truck)

I have had a ball bearing stuck in my throat (my mums saved me though by shaking me upside down by my ankles!) (Y)

I have had a freewheel impailed in my finger

I have been shot point blank in my eye with a BB gun

I have been twanged point blank in my other eye with a rubber band (my eyeball actually got a purple bruise on it)

And most recently my mate at school made a paper plane with a drawing pin blue-tacked to the front, He then proceeded to throw it at my arm to which it got stuck, (i then pulled it out and lobbed it at him as he was running away and managed to get it stuck in his tricep :) hahaha the whole common room was laughing, whilst my arm bled everywhere)


also, unrelated, I have ripped my nail of under a skateboard wheel and burnt the skin off my thumb with a 7.2V battery

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  Dan Hardman said:
put my hand through a double glazed window on my 13th birthday and ended up with cuts all up arm and having lil bits of glass picked out of it  (Y)

lol I done that too in year 10 at school banged on a window and my hand went through was'nt double glazing though 3 stiches and the nurse said if a bit of glass had of fallen into my wrist i could of died :unsure:

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stepped on a nail when i was 8 after helping my dad pull down some fencing ( i say helping... i was 8 so holding a hammer is all the help he needed) . Anyway after the last of it was down i stepped back and i was wearing some old skool wellies the ones with the frog face on the front and it went straight through.

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Not me.. But a girl who went to my Ex's school had a tampon stuck 'up' her for 4months.. She forgot it was up there.. Then she noticed the smell and black discharge.. Doctors pulled out a mouldy fanny stick :unsure:

My mate Joe who used to ride cut the tip of his finger off on Christmad day.. He was seeing if his new Hope disk was hot (while the wheel was spinning)..

Erm.. I've done the usual stepping on nails etc.. Can't think of anything majorly bad that I've done.. I'll edit if I remember anything decent!


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  frika said:
Not me.. But a girl who went to my Ex's school had a tampon stuck 'up' her for 4months.. She forgot it was up there.. Then she noticed the smell and black discharge.. Doctors pulled out a mouldy fanny stick  (Y)

Probably the most disgusting thing Ive EVER heard, thanks mart :P :unsure:

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A girl in our school borrowed a school test tube to have a bit of fun with herself. While commiting the act her mother entered the room. As she closed her legs she heard a cracking noise, much pain and hilarity ensued. Needless to say she is now constantly goaded, which is not only funny, but also needed.

Edited by TheCircus
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Using a sewing machine ,didn't move my finger fast enough ,ended up sat there with the needle straight through it ,couldn't pull it away ,dad unscrewed the needle still through my finger,clipped the needle on the nail side and pulled it out the other side with the pliers (Y) .

Frika thats :unsure:

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Frika thats CLASS!!! haha How could you forget you had a tampon up you? FOR 4 MONTHS!

Only thing i;ve ever done was try to snort a rasin for some reason and it got stuck :"> twasnt funny at the time but it is now.

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I'm alwaysb getting bits of brake cable in my feet when I go in the garage with no shoes etc.

  TheCircus said:
A girl in our school borrowed a school test tube to have a bit of fun with herself. While commiting the act her mother entered the room. As she closed her legs she heard a cracking noise, much pain and hilarity ensued. Needless to say she is now constantly goaded, which is not only funny, but also needed.

Lmao! that beats the guy in my year with the 20" nob story by miless...

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  frika said:
Not me.. But a girl who went to my Ex's school had a tampon stuck 'up' her for 4months.. She forgot it was up there.. Then she noticed the smell and black discharge.. Doctors pulled out a mouldy fanny stick  :P


4 Months? f**k me (Y) How did she manage not to notice for four months :)

Girls can often die after like a month or so if they leave a tampon in, it's really really dangerous. They get really bad infections that cause the body to go into sever shock and shut down... :unsure: I've read in a the news of a few deaths from that :P

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The other week i ripped most of my toe-nail off on a trampoline at school cause it has the holes inbetween the weaves on the canvas. It was bleeding a bit and i could flap it about, but with some plasters and careful treading i managed to get it to heal back onto my toe. Tuesday just gone i had another trampolining lesson and i ripped the same nail off, this time it's literally half-hanging off, and i can wiggle it around (very nice party trick).

When i was much younger i wondered what it would be like to put a staple into the tip of my thumb, and as it turns out it isn't very fun (Y)

I've also mashed up both of my shins on my trials bike, bunny hopping without your foot properly on the pedal does nasty things to shins :unsure:

Edit:^^^^ It's called Toxic Shock Syndrome

Edited by Spikenipple
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when i was about 8....in my room was a bunkbed for me and my brother....and on the bottom at the end, there was like the headrest thing with bars going up and down, and i decided to stick my knee through one of the gaps.....and got half my leg jammed in....i cried like hell cause i thought i was gonna be stuck forever....thankfully my dad came home and got me out :unsure:

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  TheCircus said:
A girl in our school borrowed a school test tube to have a bit of fun with herself. While commiting the act her mother entered the room. As she closed her legs she heard a cracking noise, much pain and hilarity ensued. Needless to say she is now constantly goaded, which is not only funny, but also needed.

:unsure: (Y)

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