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Pad Reviews

Mark W

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Pads: 10mm cousts

Time used: 1 month

Rim: trialtech sport 26"

Frame: onza limey 3, echo washer less clamps, no booster

Grind: yes, fresh harsh

Brake: 05 hs33, water and antifreeze bleed, standard maggie 2 finger lever, standard tpa

What is your opinion of a working brake?: bites and holds, no slip. There's nothing worse than a brake slipping when you are loading up, and ending up on your arse.

Pad review: these pads are epic. I got them off Ben from trials addict, worn down to about 8mm. The bite and hold is on a par with the saint I had on my mod, and I didn't think a rim brake was capable of that. These are easily the best pads I've ever had, and its all ill be using from now on. Might try some refills from heatsink Steve in cnc backings, but I've been told the compounds are different. Can anybody shed some light on this?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pads: Heatsink yellows, cnc backings
Time used: 1 month
Rim: Echo TR 26"
Frame: Monty 231 XXV ; built in booster
Grind: Yup
Brake: 2011 HS33, factory bleed

Great bite and hold. Loud as f*ck though. Wear is pretty okay imo, have went out on about 20~30 rides, each are between 1 and 3 hrs and they're just halfway gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Few quick pad reviews for disks here.

Brake 1: Hope TZ (F 160)

Pad 1: Echo (red)

Not bad. But not great. Seems to slide through a lot for me. Better when cleaned and watered.

Pad 2: Hope pro

Much better than the above in all areas. Good bite and hold and good in wet (makes a bit of noise when wet)

Cost more and are softer so wear quicker (not a problem in trials really)

Brake 2: Hope MonoT (R 180)

Pad 1: Hope standard

Average bite decent hold and good in wet too. Not bad wear and not much noise

Pad 2: hope pro

Improvment in bite to standard. Simlar in other respects.

Brake 3 (not trials) : Hayes 9 (F & R 203mm)

Pad 1: clarkes

Cheap pad and fairly good bite/hold, slightly noisy and not as good in the wet as id like.

Pad 2: EBC red

Expensive much softer, very good bite and hold in wet and dry.

These are my opinions on performance, based on my setup and experience. Yours may differ so dont take them as a benchmark or anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Pads: Trialtech sports in Heatsink backings

Time used: 3 weeksish

Rim used: Echo TR 24"

Grind: Yes

Brake used: 05 magura with 2 finger lever, metal TPA standard maggie slaves. Old school echo 4 bolt clamps with washer.

What is your opinion of a working brake: Complete trust in the brake, backwards and forwards hold.

How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Best pad I've had on grind, ultimate winter pad.

Review: Awesome pads, perfect bite and hold. Feels like a smooth rim running a clean grind. I've poured water on the rim and continued to ride without it getting any worse. Backwards hold isn't quite there yet but my setup isn't entirely square and it hasn't worn yet. Was doing a sidehop onto a wall with a huge puddle on it, front brake didn't exist but rear was still working awesome. Would recommend these to anyone considering trying them. Easy to get into the backings too, can post instructions if anyone is stuck with it.

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  • 4 months later...

Pad: onza citrus greens

time used: 2 months

Grind: yes, medium

Rim: rear tryall 19"

Brake: 02 hs33 standard clamps, powerful brake for it's age

In dry weather they have great initial bite and sound, but the holds not quite there for 1 finger braking. In wet you may aswell have blocks of wood for pads, they slip loads unless you do two finger braking which I hate. Recently upgraded to Heatsinks. Obvious difference between the two.


Edited by Herbertlemon102
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Pad: heatsink yellows

Time used: about the same time it takes for me to realise someone's being sarcastic

Grind: yes, fresh medium

Rim: try-all 19" hole

Brake: magura 2002 hs33 with standard slaves and clamps, new pistons.

Review: great bite, great sound, hold is decent but not as good as I thought, though I've heard on a tryall hole rim Heatsinks tend to be temperamental. Worth the money for sure.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Pad: superstar components organic

Time used: one and a half years

Disc: 1 year and 4 months on a 160 mm shimano disc, 2 months on a 160mm shimano ice technologies disc, few weeks on a 203mm shimano ice technologies disc

Brake: shimano Deore for all discs.

Review:160mm shimano disc- bad. It would struggle to hold. In the cold it was appaling.

160mm ice tech disc- Absolutely monstrous bite. Hold would struggle on occasion. Biggest crash do 2014 was due to a pad slippage.

203mm ice tech disc- by far the best pads for the job. It's almost as if they were designed for the 203 mm rotor. Took 30 seconds to bed in, and it's a beast. Brakes not especially noticable preformance wise, but the pads are great. Hasn't slipped at all, it's got some serious bite and hold. I ride my bike almost every day, and the pads still have life in them, which I struggle to believe. They're almost gone but for that length of time I can't fault them. If I could ever find an identical set id buy them again


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/5/2015 at 9:42 PM, Herbertlemon102 said:

Pad: superstar components organic

One would expect that a bigger rotor performs better. It's not the pads that have increased the performance and instead of buying new rotors I would've bought different pads.

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  On 1/16/2015 at 6:12 AM, niconj said:

One would expect that a bigger rotor performs better. It's not the pads that have increased the performance and instead of buying new rotors I would've bought different pads.

it wasn't just "performs better" it's not something I can explain, the pads in my saints which have now replaced these only perform as well as the superstar, yet there's much more material. But when I put the saint on a 160 the performance doesn't change, but the superstar just commits suicide. The pads plus that disc just feels awesome
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  On 1/16/2015 at 8:30 AM, Herbertlemon102 said:

it wasn't just "performs better" it's not something I can explain, the pads in my saints which have now replaced these only perform as well as the superstar, yet there's much more material. But when I put the saint on a 160 the performance doesn't change, but the superstar just commits suicide. The pads plus that disc just feels awesome

I don't get it. Shouldn't the material of a 160 ice tech be the same as of a 203 ice tech?

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  • 3 months later...

Shimano sintered

Time used: a few months

Disc: hope 203mm saws

Brakes: shimano Saint m810

Review:they take a fair bit to bed in in comparison to my superstars, but once they have they're more or less unfaultable. Rear needs a bleed and it's still great. Front is like a vice. Bbb pads are slightly better in my opinion

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  • 2 months later...

Pads: Echo CNC yellow
Time used: 6 months
Rim used: Echo Tr 26
Grind: Yes, medium.
Brake used: Magura hs33 ~2006-2009, 4-finger blade, normal hose, Echo Tr clamps, water/antifreez/mineral oil mix on a 2006 Pitbull frame.
Review: Simply the best brake i've ever had. Bites, hold and sounds great.
Although, this pad did not work on a 19" Atomz rim with used grind.

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  • 4 months later...

Pads: TNN ADM CNC backings

Time used: few weeks 

Rim used: TryAll 19" dual wall

Grind: 1 ride old fresh medium 

Ceraminc: No 

Brake used: Magura hs11 2011, no booster. 

What is your opinion of a working brake: loud, with all the hold

Review: on a dead grind, I found these were fairly useless, slight noise, no hold whatsoever, I put on some KOOLSTOP pads and they beat it in performance and noise. However, slap an alright grind at theyre transformed into quite simply the best pads ive had- bit of wearing in helped there too as well. Very tacky, superb hold. cNC backings make for a nice feeling brake too- which is a bonus.

Pads: heatsink Blues plastic backings

Time used: a Fair few months

Rim used: tryall single wall front/ tryall dual wall rear 

Grind: Yes

Ceraminc: No

Brake used: Magura 2011 hs11, no booster 

What is your opinion of a working brake: loud, with all the hold 

Review: initial bite is very good, on smooth aswell as a grind. I actually ordered these by mistake, I meant to order rockman Blues, which are the same colour, price, and next to the heatsink on the tartybikes listing. (Oops!) however, I haven't regretted it as they've worked pretty darn well. It's been on the rear and now the front, the wear life is alright but as these are very soft inevitably they're gonna wear down quick. They've still got well over half life left and ive used them for quite a while now. Because of the soft compound and plastic backings it does make a nicely bled four finger lever feel a bit meh, but that's my only complaint. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Right, just ordered 10mm coust pads off tarty, not the heatsink ones. My mate has them on a try-all rim and his are crazy good and in my very vast experience NO brake pads works on try-all rims. I'm gonna' be using them on a brand new Alex DX32 rim 26". I'm yet to find any pad that doesn't work on a DX32 with a grind (Phat pads, Koxx Browns, Plaz CRM's) - If these perform anything like Phat pads or Koxx browns, noise and bite wise i'll be happy.

I've spend the last 5 hours reading this whole thread and my head is seriously mashed. So just went for cousts and see what happens. Heatsink yellows seem really inconsistent from these reviews. My mate Adam Allen has them on a tryall rim and they are pathetic, no noise, bite or hold. Once again, try-all rims - My other mates tryall rim with coust pads is the only amazing brake ive seen on a try-all rim.

I'll get this wheel built up and a decent grind on it and I'll ride them for a week or 2 and report back. I didn't find one review of Coust pads on a DX32, So i'm nervous, yet i'm not as I've always had a monster brake with a DX32 rim.

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You'll probably find the Cousts will be just as good on a DX32. 

Depends which try-all rim you talk about. I ran the V!Z singlewall 24", essentially a try-all/rockman Hole, and my brake was awesome with both LGMs and ADMS, and again with Cousts. Same again with my actual Try-All Holes on my ZHI and then my Try-All K2 rims on my old Rockman Slate, both used with Rockman Blues, LGMs/ADMs and Cousts. Ran Beleays/Blues up front. No problem. 

The old dual wall rims with the slanted sidewalls were pants. 

I read back at my old pad reviews and laugh to be honest. I dont think theres much in any of the pads you get now providing theyre set up well. All the hype over CNC backings and the like. I'll be going Trialtech when my ADMs wear out because theyre affordable and work. 

Heatsink Yellows are pretty much useless on anything other than a smooth rim though. 

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Pads: Trialtech Sport disc pads

Time used: 3 ish months

Brake used: Saint M810

How do they compare to previous pads you have used: Best power, worst clunking.

Review: Took no time to bed in. Power was the best I've used, even slightly better than EBC reds, but the pad rock/knock became too much, I turned them around and it made the noise/movement slightly more bearable but not for long. Disappointing as they're basically useless, all because they're made a fraction too small. I'm sure some fit, but mine didn't. I'll stick with EBC as they seem to fit every time.

Edited by LEON
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  • 9 months later...

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