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Bmx Pics Thread

Mark W

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if you paint that bike again mike im going to have to come to ilford and kill you!, just get some new tyres and go f**king ride the thing!! it looks way too mint!


From a distance the bike looks all nice but underneat the thing is a mess, I dont have much eft chainstay left and the downtubes not too mice now it had a run in with a railing and lost and so did my bum hole and leg.

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Just bought it today for £20, i know it needs a bit of work i.e. seat, grips, and i want to run either 9-25 or 10-28 gearing. Not too bad for the money, so here's the question should i spray it black or keep it yellow.

EDIT: Forgot the picture >_<

IPB Image

Edited by thwaites14
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Yeah forgot to mention that pic was taken as soon as i got it home. It's got a seat on it now and the bars are being cut down tomorow morning so i can put the grips on then. I want to run some smaller gearing though so im thinking of a 10 or 11T whole wheel with a smaller chainring and ive got a budget of £80 can it be done?

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Yeah forgot to mention that pic was taken as soon as i got it home. It's got a seat on it now and the bars are being cut down tomorow morning so i can put the grips on then. I want to run some smaller gearing though so im thinking of a 10 or 11T whole wheel with a smaller chainring and ive got a budget of £80 can it be done?

i have a odyssey hazard hub you can buy with either 12t or 13t which you could get built onto a new rim?

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Mark have you handcrafted that seat out of a huge lump of tar?

Also, wheres the Elementary stem?

both good questions but more importantly, why the hell have you still got that nasty stopping device on your bike?

take it off immediately you big girl :P

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Lot of junctions at the bottom of hills here, so f**k rinsing through shoes day in day out :P Plus I've been riding a lot of miniramp lately, and it's just better for that to have a brake on, pretty much.

Took the Elementary off 'cos I wanted a more practical, easier to sort out stem. Mat bought it off me though, so it's all good (Y)

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