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don't worry tic neither did hense my shocking position. I am an insescent fiddler so I have lost loads of money by buying and selling loads, although I have got my portfolio as I want it now.

Tic the idea is that you get a payment at the end of the week (dividend) based on the amount of column inches your stars have had, in the 8 main newspapers. You get the full payout if you have had the shares for the whole weeks or a fraction of it depending on how long you have had them if less than a week. From this people try and predict who will be in the papers. Peoples prices increase if the demand for them is high.

A good example of this is ronnie o'sullivan. he has just won the snooker and so will get some newspaper coverage, therefore lots of people baught his shares and his price has gone up :P

be warned though, the column inches does not cover sports pages, only those in the main part of the papers.

my tip would be to look ahead a week or two and see what events/tv shows/films are coming up and see what stars are likely to be in the papers as a result, buy the shares nice and early and you will have had them for a week and so will get the full dividend :lol:

sorry for the essay (Y)

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  • 8 months later...

I been playing this "again" for a while now, and "sportdaq" both quite good, not as it probably was? as prices change alot quicker etc... Just thought i would see if anyone still actually plays this, and rather than starting a new topic, i thought why not re-use this one.

Edit: Oh and ive started up a trials forum league if anyone is interested? Leave your ID number and i will add you lot in?

Edited by *OnzaMike*
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