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Any 24” rim’s other than inspired??


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I’m a novice in parts in need of new rear 24” rim,is inspired v2.5 £85 only choice? 
can’t find any 24” spank, light bicycle.i only care about strength not weight any opinions please?.

i happily used the wheels that came with my SkyeV3 for like 3+ years no problem,anyone know what wheels these are? Inspired pro? 

Is the inspired pro V2 stronger because team V2.5 lighter? 

why not just a DMR rim or halo SAS??I never seen them on a street trials bike why? The strength,weigh or ? 


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12 hours ago, Jason420 said:

why not just a DMR rim or halo SAS??I never seen them on a street trials bike why? The strength,weigh or ? 

Just FYI, plenty of people have used both of these, historically. They're a bit heavier, is the only concrete reason not to.
Other than that they're just not fashionable, and a huge percentage of the people riding these kinds of bikes seem to be very concerned with having the culturally accepted parts, rather than what works for them/is cost effective.

If you're looking at DJ rims though, just be careful when ordering to get the right spoke hole count. A lot of them come in 32 and 36 hole, so just double check. Definitely not speaking from experience 🙄

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Cheers for awnsers,I agree spank 33 gota be one or the best as why all the riders use/used it:), can’t find a spank 33 any where in England or Europe did find one for €85 euros but didn’t ship to England:(,just ordered a Dmr DV24 32H on winstanleys for £35 down from £50 thought I give it a try, I’ve only owned 1 DMR bike a dirt jumper but was the strongest longest lasting bike I ever had loved it, was my first trials bike:):) 

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6 hours ago, Swoofty said:

I'd try a little harder to find a Spank 33. It is by far the best rim for 24" street trials. They typically sell out w every production run so they're not always available, but definitely worth the wait.

I agree gota be best as why all top riders use them,I tried! to find none for sale in England or Europe:(,

What your opinion on using a DMR DV24 rim for street trails bike? Just ordered gona give a try,also any knowledge on spokes?:) saw tarty bikes has halo so think halo but what length n type of nipple:)

thanks for info,nice to hear/talk to trials rider, what you riding?

I got Skye v3,went through a flow then Skye v2, always thought wanted try/feel the difference of a arcade


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11 hours ago, aener said:

Just FYI, plenty of people have used both of these, historically. They're a bit heavier, is the only concrete reason not to.
Other than that they're just not fashionable, and a huge percentage of the people riding these kinds of bikes seem to be very concerned with having the culturally accepted parts, rather than what works for them/is cost effective.

If you're looking at DJ rims though, just be careful when ordering to get the right spoke hole count. A lot of them come in 32 and 36 hole, so just double check. Definitely not speaking from experience 🙄

I looked I think best option was the DMR DV24 32H rim,found for sale at £34.99 so why not:) cheers for info 

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Yeah, nothing wrong with DMRs; I'm pretty sure I've used them in the past. 200g per rim heavier than the Spanks 😳. I really liked BOX 24" rims, but they only come in 36h now.

Halo spokes are fine. I use Sapim or DT Swiss, but DTs in 230mm or so are hard to come by in the States so most of my 24" wheels are Sapim. Same for nipples, Sapim or DT unless I need an unusual color. Alloy nipples have always worked out for me too, 12mm or 14mm. Nothing lasts forever though. Good luck 🤙

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