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What Happened to Maestro?


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Was just re-watching the "Croatia Trials Camp 2019" video. Around 2018-2019 it seemed like every 3rd euro rider was sponsored by Maestro; I remember thinking their carbon frames looks super bad-ass; especially coming in lots of different colors.   Recently I saw on FB they released a new 26" carbon frame.  Did these carbon frames all break or did people just hang them up and move on to Crewkerz and Clean?  



Edited by cwtrials
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2 hours ago, PeterH said:

Maybe v-brakes were so ahead of their time that you have to wait for responses to come from the future...

Or Kevin is shifty, but mostly in a shifting gears while pretending to race cars kind of way.

The Carbon v-brake brand from Kevin is Lykke; which I think he only made for one year and presumably had the same company has who did Maestro make the frames because they came out the year after his big promotion with Maestro.

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