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Echo freewheel noises


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Hi there,i have this problem with my echo freewheel.So,when i push down with my left foot it starting some noise, something like bearings inside the freewheel itself.It lasting from left crank arm  horizontal to the very bottom then disappearing and appear this time in the right crank arm but for the tiny time but only when i push down with my right foot and then disappearing again and this not in every rev.Sometimes two times in a row,sometimes one time.It not skipping or cracking,just this.What this might be?If i need new freewheel what brand would be because Echo is out of stock everywhere.Thank you very much.

Edited by basstrials
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You should have your freewheel serviced every six months. If you want it to work well and for a long time. Maybe sand got inside and that's where the sounds come from.



PS Also check the chain to see if it is dirty or worn. He makes sounds like that too.

Edited by Szymon
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Thank you for your suggestions.The chain is clean and is one month old.I did buy this bike second hand and do not know how it is been maintained.The noises are like "overclicked"a bit if that is makes any sense but not constantly,just few of clicks more than usual and freewheel it is not so loud (it is sounds dull). Hundred percent is for service and maybe need new one.If it is need new one what choice do i have?

Echo it is not longer made unfortunately.

Thank you.

Edited by basstrials
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You can take the Echo freewheel apart pretty easily to inspect it. Just be sure to catch all the balls that will fall out, so best do it inside a cardboard box.
Clean everything with something like WD 40, and reassemble. The ball bearings are a pain to all get into place, combined with the little springs, all just pretty terrible. Use grease (thin grease, otherwise you might run into engagement troubles) to sort of stick them to the bearing race, and be very patient. It's doable, took me a while though, and some proper swearing too haha.

There's also a video on YouTube about this, guy is using pieces of string, but I did it slightly differently without.

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Well,so i did.Take the freewheel out to check it out and it was in not great condition.The previous owner had done damage on inner plate of the freewheel trying to unscrew using wrong tool.The freewheel itself has a little play backwards wich it to is not good sign,so i did put i back and i am going to ride it this way until new one comes(i ordered one).I did find brand new SL as for the the present one maybe i would do overhaul after a time.Does new one need bed in time and how it is been achieved?As for the overhauling,yes is pain in the .ss and probably will end in the trash bin.

Thank you for your time.


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"This freewheel must be bedded in before trials use, to ensure any excess grease used when assembling the freewheel works away from the mechanism. You can do this by riding the freewheel around 'normally' for a few hours, both freewheeling and engaging the mechanism gently. If the freewheel is subjected to trials use without having been bedded in, the pawls will not engage correctly and this causes the freewheel to skip, damaging the pawls and ratchet. If you wish to speed up this process, you can thin the grease down with light oil like GT85 or WD40, by spraying it between the centre and outer teeth of the freewheel and rotating it."

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21 hours ago, La Bourde said:

I prefer freewheels using industrial ball bearings like the hashtagg.


La Bourde,would be fit on the Echo?I did look at pictures and did not see any threads.Sorry if this is silly question.

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It is not a silly question!

It has a thread, but I am not sure about the width of the freewheel.
As you can see on the picture, there is a kind of snap ring on one side making the freewheel quite wide.

If your bottom bracket axle is wide enough, that shall fit!

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