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Display teams when & where?


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I follow a number of display teams on social media but never seem to hear about the shows they're attending until afterwards!

Apparently some have been right on my doorstep at some unspecified point in the past but I never heard a whisper about it.

Please display teams make it easier to find out about upcoming shows you're attending!


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Have a swatch at The Clan Cycle Stunt Team Facebook page (old school). Our Iain usually puts up where we will be a few weeks in advance but its generally the events "job" to do the advertising. If events organisers specifically ask, the team will do advertising for them through our own social media pages. It also helps if events do their own poster, which is an easy share.

But you're right, demos teams should do more in terms of marketing. I remember seeing the Animal Tour dates in MBUK and having my life evolve around when Ashton was coming to the local Halfords😅

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11 hours ago, Ross McArthur said:

Our Iain usually puts up where we will be a few weeks in advance but its generally the events "job" to do the advertising.

I thought it might be that the expectation is more on the event organizer to publicise, but with tending to use social media only for my interests, I don't really follow that much in the way of what else is happening around near to me.

I think it would just be cool to see more ''we're going to be at event-x-y-z this/next weekend/month come down and see us!" type posts just for the trials fans 🙂

Unfortunately I'm at the opposite end of the country to visit a Clan stunt show any time soon.


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Last one I saw was when Drop n Roll came down to sunnny Ramsgate, I think the summer of 2017  and I was still in the "wow oh my god how do they do that that's impossible" camp, a year and a half before I decided to give trials a go myself.

Edited by marg26
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