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Indoor trials spots...


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Hi everyone,

I gather there is most probably very little calling for a public indoor trials spot, especially given most indoor skateparks I know struggle some years to make ends meet.

I wonder therefore if anyone in the South West (Somerset and neighbouring counties) are aware of any indoor private spots? 

Would be keen to meet other guys who ride trials and visit such a spot, interested to figure out how anyone could achieve such a thing without being loaded enough to buy your own barn/rent a warehouse.

I used to have a private BMX trails spot and still dig trails, so am fully aware of the necessity to keep such spots "underground" so to speak.

Wonder if the guys from the Werkshop are on this forum? Same for the ShinDig guys.

Maybe if enough interest exists, a bunch of us could work something similar out.


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Tom Mitchell is your man if you're wanting to ask about the Werkshop, though it's near Chelmsford so prepare yourself for a bit of a drive :lol:
He doesn't come on here, but he's Tom Mitchell on FB Messenger or tom_radicalbikes on Instagram.

He's about the soundest guy on the planet, but from what I've experienced he's been crazy busy lately so don't be upset if you don't get a reply straight away.


There's a few places popped up over the years, but they all tend to be very informal and usually quite short-lived. "My mate's uncle runs a farm and will have a barn sat empty over late winter," or some such.

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