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Looking for a first bike


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Hello, I am looking for a first bike, my budget is 700 preferably and 950 at most. I see things like the Alias 24.1 but nobody has them anymore, I also see saw bikes but those are Chinese pieces  of crap. Does anybody know a good bike for my budget, used is fine.

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Hello and welcome!


Maybe you can give us more details about what kind of bike you are looking for (Street/trials, comp trial, TGS, 20", 24", 26"). Maybe also how tall and heavy you are.

I think a used bike makes more sens for a beginner and your budget.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I’d second what’s been said above.

Go for a second hand bike for many reasons:

1) You don’t want to spend a fortune before you (potentially) realise that trials is not for you and find yourself being stuck with an expensive bike that you can’t sell for the money you want

2) you don’t want to get an expensive bike because you’ll inevitably bash a lot and you’ll end up destroying it

3) you won’t be able to appreciate a high end bike because you haven’t tried anything else before

4) you don’t want to buy a cheap starter bike because they’re crap and will brake a lot, will feel awful, won’t be safe

5) get a second hand bike because it’s most likely a good spec (even if slightly dated) going for the same amount of money as a crappy brand new bike

6) you’ll have lots of fun building it to your liking, experimenting with parts (appearance and geometry)

7) help out a trials buddy who’s trying to sell their bike as you’ll want someone to buy your parts one day

I’ve found that people who buy full bikes brand new don’t get stuck in trials and tend to lose interest very quickly. When you invest yourself in building your dream bike it becomes your baby and you grow an emotional attachment during the process.

Im not saying don’t buy new parts, you can’t only look for used stuff and a new part feels like a right treat every now and then but you appreciate it more and it brings you more joy that way.


So from then on - is it going to be a 20” / 24” / 26” / comp trials / tgs trials / street trials? If you’re not sure, go on YouTube and watch different videos. Go for the style of riding you like the most. Then build a weapon and start learning. No point in getting a bike just because it’s available to buy and realising that you rather a different style altogether.

Hope that helps!



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