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Trials Newbie. Inspired Fourplay a good starting bike?


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I'm looking to do street trials and getting my first bike.

My inclination right now is to get an Inspired bike. From the reading I have done I think starting with 24'' would be best (so no Inspired Hex) and I don't have BMX experience (more on that below) which seems to be the biggest reason to go for the Arcade.

So I'm thinking about getting the Fourplay model. Is this a good starting bike?

And when it comes to the Fourplay which model should I get? Is the Team version worth it over the Pro version for a beginner? Also the 2020 version can be bought 100€ cheaper than the 2021 version on some websites, is it better to get that or are the 2021 upgrades worth the difference? Money's not a huge issue and I'd rather buy once and cry once than be upgrading stuff in 1 or 2 years.

I will leave some information below that I see people asking for in other topics. If you have any other questions feel free to ask or if you think I'm better off starting with a different bike let me know. 

Height - about 180cm / 5'11ft tall

Riding experience - Never did MTB or BMX. I used to have a crappy bike from toys r us when I was 14 or something and send hard. The frame broke when I decided it would be a good idea to jump down 8 stairs to flat. Haven't been on a bike in 10+ years since then.

Appreciate all the help!



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I don't think there's much point buying a nice new expensive trials bike to start learning trials on. You will only scratch and bash it up, either that or you'll fear scratching & bashing it up (especially if you had to stretch your finances to buy it) which will hold you back. Look for a 2nd hand bike you can easily afford and not worry too much about. See also another very recent thread on this very forum.

Edited by marg26
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Thank you for the response.

I don't want to be the guy who comes here asking for advice and then doesn't listen but here's my perspective.

I have read the other topic before and considered a second hand bike. But then I figured that over time I would probably just be spending more money if I get a 500€ or something bike now and then end up buying a 2000€ bike in a year or two. As opposed to just going for the more expensive option now.

Moto trials caught my eye when I was a kid and I have been interested in Trials since. Over time that interest shifted more into street trials.

The stars just never aligned for me. I was either committed to other sports/hobbies or I had no money or time or both.

Finally in a place in my life where I have both the money and the time. Work from home and plan on riding at least 2 hours every day. I'm almost certain that I will commit to it and not just test it out and give up after 3 months. 

That's why I felt like getting a bike thinking long term would be a better option but I might be underestimating how much damage I will do to the bike in the early stages, etc.

Edited by marioribeiro
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14 hours ago, marioribeiro said:


I'm looking to do street trials and getting my first bike.

My inclination right now is to get an Inspired bike. From the reading I have done I think starting with 24'' would be best (so no Inspired Hex) and I don't have BMX experience (more on that below) which seems to be the biggest reason to go for the Arcade.

So I'm thinking about getting the Fourplay model. Is this a good starting bike?

And when it comes to the Fourplay which model should I get? Is the Team version worth it over the Pro version for a beginner? Also the 2020 version can be bought 100€ cheaper than the 2021 version on some websites, is it better to get that or are the 2021 upgrades worth the difference? Money's not a huge issue and I'd rather buy once and cry once than be upgrading stuff in 1 or 2 years.

I will leave some information below that I see people asking for in other topics. If you have any other questions feel free to ask or if you think I'm better off starting with a different bike let me know. 

Height - about 180cm / 5'11ft tall

Riding experience - Never did MTB or BMX. I used to have a crappy bike from toys r us when I was 14 or something and send hard. The frame broke when I decided it would be a good idea to jump down 8 stairs to flat. Haven't been on a bike in 10+ years since then.

Appreciate all the help!



Hello, I bought my first trials bike last July. Indeed, a Fourplay Team 2020. I live in Argentina where it is impossible to get a street trials bike or some parts. For that reason I bought the best bike (personal opinion), realiable  in a long term vision. If I were living in Europe I had bought a Inspired Flow Plus 2020 with riser arcade bars, headlock system for the hose and hope trial zone brakes (best than magura for a noboo ). It would have to see the Flow 2021, released today. Take a look to @thomtriboulat.  Back to my case,  70 days after the rear axle broke in a simple movement... but Inspired send me a new revised version of the axle. That was the only issue I had. In the other hand, I think that the advice of marg26 is very good and accurate if you like the Fourplay. But nothing go wrong if you have the money to buy the Ferrari.  Checking the 2020 vs 2021 FP PRO, I would pay 100 more euros taking in account the crancks and the new riser bars of the 2021 model. best regards! 

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