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Stock or Mod for £500-ish

Guest welshy_ac

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If you want to get most bang for your buck, get a mod. A mod for, say, £400 is going to be better than a stock for £400. For example, if you get the £400 T-Raptor, you're going to be wanting to probably upgrade the back wheel pretty soon after getting it (well, the hub...). Also, the actual frames themselves won't be as good on the lower-end stock bikes.

With the 2004 T-Pro (below), you're getting a copy of the Koxx Levelboss 20" frame (the frame that's won most Worlds comps since it was first made), with a pretty good spec for £399. Alright, you might wanna upgrade say the bar and stem in a coupla months or whatever, but the actual basic spec is still really good.

Of course there is the Monty X-Hydra for about the same price, but personally I reckon you're getting a far better deal with the T-Pro.


The Onza T-Pro. 'cos I'm a filthy dirty mandrake, I copied the "Big" picture URL, so...er...sorry.


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