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Which foot forward?


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I'm starting to learn some basic trials moves coming over from a mountain bike background.

I've realised that in general I ride with my left foot forward doing stuff like trackstands, bunnyhops and trying to learn manuals. But as soon as I need a pedal input like trying to do pedal kicks I want my right foot forward. This feels all wrong at times but trying to do anything with the other foot forward feels really awkward.

Will I get away with it as i learn more stuff or do I need to force myself to change to get used to having the same foot forward for everything?


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Good friend I used to compete with, after 7 years of riding.. if he both wheel hopped around on rocks/ balanced he had to have his left foot forward- then when he did anything with a pedal kick- sidehop/gap/etc he had to be right food forward. Never known anyone who did this... you’ll figure it out eventually, just pay attention to which one naturally stays forward while you are coasting. 


with that said I’ve been spending the last three years addressing my bodies imbalance from using _only_ left for forward for thousands of hours of riding over 20 years. Takes it’s toll.

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  • 5 months later...

Can't believe it was 5 months ago that I posted this!

Despite 3 months out of action with torn knee ligaments, I'm now starting to pedal kick around quite nicely. Definitely left foot forward - whether this has anything to do with my right leg being the injured one and being really weak I don't know. Anyway thanks for the advice chaps!


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This is actually very interesting topic. Seems that choosing the front foot has nothing to do with better side even it's considered the "better foot". I assume that majority of people are right sided/right handed and riding right foot forward. However I'm also right sided but left foot forward clearly formed to be the natural position for me.. Weird. I feel like the actual stronger foot (definitely still the right foot for me) is better to be the one that keeps the balance ("the lazy foot", how ironic), rather than the one that kicks. It's not about power but coordination and in the end the power comes from the whole body, not just one foot.
Now when learning side hops it definitely feels way more comfortable to lean to the right, I can't even imagine doing it the other way and right foot forward. I would think it's quite obvious to jump to the stronger/more comfortable side, but obviously it isn't.

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Yeah I’d say pick one and start learning everything with the same foot forward AND to the side it should be done. When I first started riding I was right foot forward but I was also spinning and doing my side hops to the right. I was going like that for so long that it turned into a habit and even though I’ve been doing side hops to the proper side for quite a few years now I still can’t get myself to spin to the left. So if I was to do a pedal kick on a wall I’d either need to start further back (which makes pretty much a gap in itself) or I’ll end up doing something like a side hop to a rear wheel and it just doesn’t look right. Same thing applies to front to rears and it’s a pain in the ass. I’ve recently started learning spins to the proper side and I hope that will help me learn/improve other tricks and I wish I’d just learned everything the proper way..

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the very first thing i ever did was choose a foot, by pretending to fall over forwards and seeing which foot naturally came out first to stop me, and it was always my right. so i started riding with my right foot forward, and that was that. so i never have to ever think about my feet being "wrong" any way. i feel that was a good choice...

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