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Danny Macaskill's old bike

Archie H

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Not quite the beutiful priceless carbon beast but it's still pretty cool, and will still leave a hefty hole in your wallet. Personally not sure about the yellow as it looks a bit too much like the flow, thoughts, opinions? Also, has Fabio left inspired? (Not listed on team athletes...mabey specialised will be releasing a trials bike, never know...)


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The Flow is a properly beaming fluro yellow gloss finish, whereas this is a much more subtle (relatively speaking...) satin finish darker yellow.  They look a lot different in person.

Fabio's still on the team - not sure what's up with the team page though...

EDIT:  As if by magic: http://inspiredbicycles.com/fabio_wibmer_r9.php

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  On 4/5/2018 at 4:24 PM, Rory Semple said:

I like it but not as much as I liked the blue model and would agree that in the image the colour looks quite similar to the previous flow but then the new Hex looks very different in person compared to the images of it...


Which blue one are you talking about? The newer greyer one or the imaginate deep blue one? Personally I think either the deep blue or the orange was the best as they kind of stood out from the other bikes. Yellow has been done a lot before on the old elements, flows and fourplay so so it doesn't seem as special. Also it's interesting they kept the name. Considering Danny left I thought they may have changed the name as it doesn't really relate to him any more, but fair play to inspired still giving credit to Danny for the bike. :rolleyes:

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