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Rear wheel and chain


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Just brought a bike.been trying to set it up but struggling with the back wheel.i thought that the snail cams would need to be in the same position for the wheel to be square.if I do that the wheel is not central.any suggestions? Also the chain is nice and tight but when the cranks get turned the chain goes slack. Any suggestions?  Thanks. 

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14 hours ago, Hayden84 said:

Just brought a bike.been trying to set it up but struggling with the back wheel.i thought that the snail cams would need to be in the same position for the wheel to be square.if I do that the wheel is not central.any suggestions? Also the chain is nice and tight but when the cranks get turned the chain goes slack. Any suggestions?  Thanks. 

the chains tight spot is in the freewheel, they all have them, check your chainline, that can sometimes make it worse. as for wheel being central with the cams thats not necessarily the case, spacing/washers/cam type/position/odd cams/ inside outside dropouts/ bent frame/ dished wheel/ etc can all make a difference, a picture of your setup would be helpful.

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9 minutes ago, Hayden84 said:

Here is a few pics it won’t let me do video. It almost seems that the wheel is not built rite. 


just adjust the non drive side cam till the wheel is straight, its not too much of a problem, wheel is 3cross both sides and looks alright.

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19 hours ago, Hayden84 said:

Just brought a bike.been trying to set it up but struggling with the back wheel.i thought that the snail cams would need to be in the same position for the wheel to be square.if I do that the wheel is not central.any suggestions? Also the chain is nice and tight but when the cranks get turned the chain goes slack. Any suggestions?  Thanks. 

trials bikes aren't as symetrical and well done as you'd always like them to be. you need to find the tightest angle your drivetrain will allow don't go crazy tight or you'll hurt your freeewheel and chain. then just adjust the non drive side to make it run. it's never going to be perfect unless you'lve got 360 dropouts. 



if you want consistent chain tension make a spoke tensioner or buy one of those heatsink tensioners to make up the slack. 

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Ok thanks I tried uploading a video but it wouldn’t let me.ill get some photos and try that. Thanks 



ok so it doesn’t matter that the hub isn’t square in the frame. What is the reason that the right hand piston it out as far as it will go and almost hitting crank arm where s the left hand side has lots of clearance 

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