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Ok I'll bite.

Mr DK, trials covers a range of cycling, it is super light weight comp riding all the way through to trackstanding at lights on the commute to work. This video sits in the middle in my opinion, sure he's not on a trials bike as some might see it but the beauty of trials is you don't need specific equipment.....just some bikes are more suited than others at specific trials tasks.

This video shows some great trials action, his ability to ride across the rocks, do gaps, roll downs, hop ups etc are all trials moves (and nice ones too), the skills needed to ride through the river sections as he does (fast and fluid in the least fluid situation) is incredible and couldn't be ridden like than on a rigid bike. The actual quality of the edit and camera work is great too.

So yeah, this video is on a MTB but it's just as valid to discuss on a trials forum as any comp/tgs/street video posted here. Open your eyes.

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  On 12/30/2016 at 12:13 PM, Ali C said:

Ok I'll bite.

Mr DK, trials covers a range of cycling, it is super light weight comp riding all the way through to trackstanding at lights on the commute to work. This video sits in the middle in my opinion, sure he's not on a trials bike as some might see it but the beauty of trials is you don't need specific equipment.....just some bikes are more suited than others at specific trials tasks.

This video shows some great trials action, his ability to ride across the rocks, do gaps, roll downs, hop ups etc are all trials moves (and nice ones too), the skills needed to ride through the river sections as he does (fast and fluid in the least fluid situation) is incredible and couldn't be ridden like than on a rigid bike. The actual quality of the edit and camera work is great too.

So yeah, this video is on a MTB but it's just as valid to discuss on a trials forum as any comp/tgs/street video posted here. Open your eyes.


I'll bite? It's not a crime to not saying something yano...

So effectively you're telling me, that carthy, vincent and giles can just go ahead and compete in the worlds on Full sus bikes? We might aswell not sell any trials specific stuff if it just "makes it easier" but not essential. and can all be done on a full sus. I've watched this video a couple of times now and you can't say he's really doing anything trials related (I'm even talking about natural/comp style, TGS, spinny stuff) - He does the occasional bunnyhop and he hopped on the back wheel a few times. Where were the gaps to front, the hooks, the sidehops, the taps, sidehops to rear, front to backs etc etc. These are just basic compound trials movements and I don't even care what bike your doing it on, I'm just talking about the basics.

I understand your point/mindset Ali and that your trying to broaden the sport into a bigger range of stuff and it being able to be done on other styles of bikes. But you can't just disregard the very basics and be like "Well he used to be a proper trials riders years ago and is now doing something sort of similar on a full sus so it's trials". We might aswell not even have a sport known as "trials" and just say "well f**k it we'll do whatever we want and call it trials"

Or it's like saying "Ill do BMX but because I'm doing something that has some form of trials element so i'll class it as trials"

I would have no issue with any of these videos or anything if there were atleast the basics in here but there isn't. This was an XC/Downhill video plain and simple.

If what your saying is true Ali, you used to be fairly good at TGS, go do me some 45" + sidehops, taps, hooks etc. Gaps to fronts on rails etc on a full sus. I bet you even Damon, carthy, vincent etc couldnt do it. 


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  On 12/30/2016 at 1:51 PM, DK. said:

I'll bite? It's not a crime to not saying something yano...

No, but knowing your past you like to cause controversy 

So effectively you're telling me, that carthy, vincent and giles can just go ahead and compete in the worlds on Full sus bikes?

Yes they could, but that wouldn't be the correct tool for the job much like a comp bike wouldn't be the tool for getting through a rocky river with speed and flow

We might aswell not sell any trials specific stuff if it just "makes it easier" but not essential. and can all be done on a full sus

Well it depends what people want to do on bikes, obviously people want to ride comps and seatless bikes still sell but they're not (and never have been) essential for trials, many people ride trials on modified bikes, back when I started comps hardly anyone had a specific bike and seatless bikes didn't happen for years later....trials specific stuff is only there BECAUSE it makes stuff easier, not because it's impossible to do trials otherwise.

 I've watched this video a couple of times now and you can't say he's really doing anything trials related (I'm even talking about natural/comp style, TGS, spinny stuff) - He does the occasional bunnyhop and he hopped on the back wheel a few times.

Not doing any thing trials related? Are we watching the same video? I honestly can't comprehend how you think riding across massive rocks, doing gaps, pivots, drops is not in some way trials related! 

Where were the gaps to front, the hooks, the sidehops, the taps, sidehops to rear, front to backs etc etc. These are just basic compound trials movements and I don't even care what bike your doing it on, I'm just talking about the basics.

There's a gap to front at around the 2 min mark, you won't like it though as he didn't spend a while setting up on the back wheel and then landing to a locked front wheel......still a gap to front and would be practically impossible to anyone without any trials skills. As for sidehops, taps, etc.... they're only a handful of trials moves, there's so many other subtle things that's going on that only a trials rider would know to do. You're basically saying that you're only a trials rider if you can tick off those tricks? What if you're a beginner and can't do them yet? What if you don't enjoy doing some of them? Does that make you fail to be a trials rider? In my eyes you're a trials rider if you use your bike to get over any obstacle in your way...that's surely what trials is all about? In this case Chris had rocks and a river section in front of him and he used a range of techniques to get over them in a spectacular fashion, exactly what trials is all about.

I understand your point/mindset Ali and that your trying to broaden the sport into a bigger range of stuff and it being able to be done on other styles of bikes. But you can't just disregard the very basics and be like "Well he used to be a proper trials riders years ago and is now doing something sort of similar on a full sus so it's trials". We might aswell not even have a sport known as "trials" and just say "well f**k it we'll do whatever we want and call it trials"

I'm not trying to broaden anything, I find it very frustrating that new riders come along and try to dictate what trials is without realising where trials has come from. You seem to think trials came to existence when TGS started and that trials is only seatless bikes ridden in a certain way. Trials has been around for decades, people used to ride trials on any old bike, back before MTBs even existed. Back when I rode comps bikes had seats, even dedicated comp bikes did, there was no "street trials" "comp trials" "TGS" etc, there was only "trials" and everyone rode everything on the same bike...everyone agreed that trials was the act of riding up and over anything put in your path and even competitions used skatepark features. No one said that people weren't doing trials because they were on the wrong bike or riding the wrong thing and I think it's very sad that a few newer riders want to change that, such a bad attitude to have.  

Or it's like saying "Ill do BMX but because I'm doing something that has some form of trials element so i'll class it as trials"

Some BMXers do some moves that could be classed as trials for sure but it'll be one move in a video of hundreds so hardly the same as a whole video like Chris's which is heavily trials based.If a rider got a BMX and made a whole video doing trialsy stuff rather than the usual BMX then you could class it as a trials video for sure.

I would have no issue with any of these videos or anything if there were atleast the basics in here but there isn't. This was an XC/Downhill video plain and simple.

It really wasn't, there's dozens of MTB videos posted every week online, the difference between a normal XC/DH video and this one for trials content is black and white.

If what your saying is true Ali, you used to be fairly good at TGS, go do me some 45" + sidehops, taps, hooks etc. Gaps to fronts on rails etc on a full sus. I bet you even Damon, carthy, vincent etc couldnt do it. 

And again, why the need for a check list of tricks to become qualified as a trials rider? Why do they need to be over 45"? Is that a magical number that's internationally recognised as when a rider has transformed into a trials rider? Pretty sure most trials moves can be done on a full sus (vertical hooks may be an exception) only some might be lower than on a dedicated trials bike but I've seen Danny tap roadside rails and gap to front on rails too, a taps still a tap and a sidehops still a sidehop no matter the bike though and in Chris's case, was a better tool for the job than a dedicated trials bike.

I just don't see the need to put trials in a teenie little box when it's so much bigger than that, what advantage does limiting the definition of what is or isn't trials do? 



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Oh good, DK is back...

If we only discussed trials stuff here the forum would be even more dead than it is. Mainly because 'pure' trials is more boring than Danny Kearns pretending to have a point. 


The video rocked. 

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First things first, I think this vid is class, have you ever tried to ride a wet mossy river bed at a speed way harder than what it looks and Chris does this with style and ease

Now roll back 5/10 years and "street" bikes were getting slated as non trials bikes and more like bmx........ Roll back 10/15 year  most trials bikes had seats of a fashion and were short and low bb.......(like street bikes)         15/20 years ago trials bike and mtb were almost the same and some trials bikes had sus forks and gears and also used mtb wheels/tires

I learned to back hop on a full sus in the mid/late 90 and i feel like the age of the do it all bike is making a come back again just like mtb went from all round to xc/dh/4x now to "Enduro" all mountain 

Dh racers  train on motocross in winter, xc riders train road bike, bike trials a lot of moves came from mototrials and vice versa 

So to class this is as trials.................  why do we have to class anything 2 wheels and terrain does it for me 


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Danny is doing the best stunts (ever)

And chris is IMO the best rider (ever)


I understant the disapointment here

no double front flips from a castle in this video

and maybe "nothing new" from Chris

but this right here would be the ultimate goal of my mediocre riding career

going from point A to point B, fast as f**k and with stupid style and flow

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  On 1/6/2017 at 2:01 PM, Dman said:

Looks like its gone full circle, it's back on bmx now.


Its massively frustrating watching him do this on a brakeless bmx as i smash my way in to a wall each day with little to no progress. b*****d

Im really enjoying this topic, its like a trials forum time machine. 

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