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Intro from Swindon/Cumbria


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Afternoon all, I'm Jay

I've got myself a 24" Marino and started having a go at trials. It's more of a street bike and some of you may tell me off for trying to learn trials on it, but coming from a mountain biking background I thought it made more sense. And I've got it now anyway haha. Been riding for a few months, trying to master the basics and I've got good at balanacing but like any true newb I'm sure, I still can't rear wheel hop.

I live in South Cumbria but work in Lyneham, Swindon, so I'm split between the two. So far I've been riding on my own and it's not doing much for progression. Is anyone in either of these areas?


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Welcome to the forum!

Personally found the best things to do:

  1. Watch videos - this is a useful site for techniques http://www.trashzen.com
  2. Find local riders, get out and just give things a go, ask questions

The most important thing is practice, keep practicing moves. Start small and with the basics, it takes time but the more you practice the easier and more natural the moves will become

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Watched any of Ryan Leech's 'Mastering The Art Of Trials'? A lot of it is on youtube and it helped me a lot learning to backhop without any local riders.

The one thing that really helped me was starting with the front wheel on a low wall and hopping in place like that to get the feel with how backhopping would be.

I'll just give you the link - 


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  On 7/27/2016 at 11:21 AM, JamieC said:

I live in South Cumbria but work in Lyneham, Swindon, so I'm split between the two. So far I've been riding on my own and it's not doing much for progression. Is anyone in either of these areas?



There's a couple of us in Barrow, we don't all get out at once much but we bob out in groups of 2 or 3 more frequently.

If you see a lad on a green inspired (that would be me) come say 'ow do. Look out too for @gage-mann on his loverrrly blue hex, or @gu trials on the new silver monty. We've another mate who rides but he might have changed bike from his white because 24 trial by the time you might run into him.

Have you been to the indoor park yet? Might run into you there sometime. Tuesday night's late opening so we go have a pedal whilst it's cheaper and take advantage of kids & scooters being kicked out at 7pm. In case you don't know it's the big ass building directly behind Barton Townley. I tried google maps but it's wrong as the park wasn't built last time google came round in the streetview car.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/28/2016 at 4:16 PM, niconj said:

According to @Ali C it's the best thing you can do to learn trials.


Would that be Ali Clarkson? I spend half my life watching his videos. Kills me because I lived near Glasgow for just short of a year and didn't ride back then.

@Brettoll and @bikeperson45 I've watched that video yeh. To be honest I know what I need to do, just need to get out and practise, and it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. My balance has come on loads, I can trackstand for ages and rock from wheel to wheel, have found I can do hem on my mtb too.

@CC12345678910 Barrow is a bit of a trek for me, it's only an hour from home but with living away I never really get there. If I get a decent bit of time off and can work it out I'll pop up and have a look.

@onzatpro09 I'd be very interested in that, cheers. Swindons only 20 mins from me so it'd be ideal. Won't have my t bike at work until the week after next but once it's here I'll be well up for going for a ride.

Sorry for the delayed reply folks, been away mountain biking in Iceland and Ibiza. Walks away looking smug...

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  On 8/23/2016 at 11:34 AM, JamieC said:

@onzatpro09 I'd be very interested in that, cheers. Swindons only 20 mins from me so it'd be ideal. Won't have my t bike at work until the week after next but once it's here I'll be well up for going for a ride.


Cool, send me a message when you get the bike down here and we can sort something out :)

  On 8/23/2016 at 12:20 PM, Brettoll said:

Well I haven't ridden Swindon before, but I am only in Reading so 45 mins away so when you get a ride organised let me know.

Also, it's worth making the trip to Bristol, loads to ride there.


To be honest there isn't particularly much here, but it's alright if you get a bit creative. You'll also have to be willing to ride around a fair bit because it's mainly micro-spots dotted about rather than big spots :P If we get something sorted, I'll let you know. 

I've heard there's tonnes in Bristol plus a fair few group rides, but haven't really rode there because I don't drive. Might be worth getting the train there at some point though :)

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  On 8/23/2016 at 1:05 PM, onzatpro09 said:

I've heard there's tonnes in Bristol plus a fair few group rides, but haven't really rode there because I don't drive. Might be worth getting the train there at some point though :)


I drive a van, so should we get to that stage you could always get a lift with me in the passion wagon 

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  • 2 months later...

I've just been warned off doing any sport, due to some antibiotics I'm on (ciprofloxacin), so I won't be able to make Saturday. I'm very disappointed, but side effects can be a snapped tendon! I'll give you a shout when I'm off them. Really appreciate your efforts to meet up.

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