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ERD for old style Echo SL 26'' rims?


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22 hours ago, Mark W said:

Front should be 537mm, rear should be 532mm.

Doesn't seem to be right. My spokes for the front are way too long. I took a ruler and measured it. Came out around 527/520.

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1 hour ago, Adam@TartyBikes said:

That's definitely not, anything less than 530 ERD for a 26" rim is nuts... correct lacing pattern?

Could it be for single wall rims no less than 530?

I've got the Echo TR Hub and said rim. Spokes are 253 for sure. I tried to lace it up radially and the spokes were way too long (not only 1mm). Laced the wheel differently now (2crosses) and it works perfectly. If it were 537 laced with 2 crosses the spokes should have 258mm. I think I'd notice the difference of 5mm.

Edit: I just measured the rims with a flexible tape measure. For the front I end up having 530mm (532mm using this method for the rear 522mm (524 using this method) mm.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-07 um 12.40.00.png Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-07 um 12.42.58.png

Edited by niconj
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That still doesn't sound right - I just looked through our rims list on the spoke calculator and the only rim we've stocked that's been under 530mm ERD for a 26" is the 2012 SL rim (which is a different style to the one you posted) which is 529mm.  Everything else is 530's/540's, or even 550's for the newer Hashtagg rims.

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Well... this is the front wheel and when calculating with an ERD of 532mm I have to take 255mm spokes (crossed twice). I did this and they fit perfectly. Even better than the 253mm spokes I used before. I think the rims are from 2009 though.

edit: If I put the front onto the rear rim there's about a 4mm difference the latter being narrower. This seems about right according to my measurements. I may have gotten a very rare batch.


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The ERD I gave up to was what we had on the product description for the '09 ones - they're hidden on back end so they can't be viewed from the customer end but we can scope them out.

Either way, I guess if the wheels are laced then that's the main thing...

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1 hour ago, Mark W said:

That's not really the case, especially if you're talking about your rear wheel.

For the rear I would never go x2. On the front it's not that much of a matter although x2 on a 32 hole rim is not ideal. In any case after having had a look at my garage I found the right spokes for radial lacing and will do so. Sucks as I laced the wheel twice yesterday thinking I had only spokes 253mm and up. Could've used those two hours for something else. 

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