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7 years ago was the last time i posted on here and had a trials bike, im glad to see some things havent changed!


Randomly bought rockman akali? for £40 and placed an order with tarty bikes to get some parts on it (glad to see they are still going strong!!)

Anyway? any of the older members still on here? JT, Prawn, kieran Whitefield? Joe maher? Tomturd? and more importantly spellingbee!?
There just a few names that ring a bell!

Edited by Synergy
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  On 6/27/2016 at 12:46 PM, Synergy said:

7 years ago was the last time I posted on here and had a trials bike, I'm glad to see some things haven't changed!

Randomly bought Rockman Akali? for £40 and placed an order with Tarty Bikes to get some parts on it (glad to see they are still going strong!!)

Anyway? Any of the older members still on here? JT, Prawn, Kieran Whitefield? Joe Maher? Tomturd? And more importantly Spelling Bee!?
There just a few names that ring a bell!


Buzzzzzz buzzzzzzz!

Grammar's not normally my field of expertise, but since you were kind enough to ask after me I thought I'd lend a little fuzzy hand :D

Welcome back, motherf**ker.

Edited by Spelling Bee
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  On 6/27/2016 at 5:43 PM, OlegTinkov said:

Ah, you made a cool video with an Enya song, couldn't perhaps tell me the name or link video of yt? (btw I'm not a regular but was a fan of your riding).


Ha no way! Though I was the only one who watched my videos :D


unfortunately YouTube years ago stopped my account for some reason and I lost everything from bike videos to car dyno days.


no idea if it where the video could be now I suspect lost forever :(


but it thanks for your comments, genuinly made my night :D


just heading long to gym so will find the song name later on and message you!

Edited by Synergy
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  On 6/28/2016 at 9:20 AM, george_seamons said:

I joined in 2003, I guess that makes me old school?


I vaguely remember your name with a purple hippo icon? lol

  On 6/28/2016 at 10:04 AM, Ross McArthur said:

Joe's just in it for the money and bitches now'a'days.


Ross from Glasgow? Used to ride with ben travis and towler in the deen ? :D


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  On 6/27/2016 at 12:46 PM, Synergy said:

Randomly bought rockman akali? for £40 and placed an order with tarty bikes to get some parts on it (glad to see they are still going strong!!)


Ah, it was you - assumed that it would have been someone who was on here.  That's cool (Y)

Pre-2002 crew reporting in (think I joined in 2000 or 2001?  Can't really remember)...

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