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Strongest pedals?


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3 hours ago, bing said:

I'll not touch mg-1s again having bent the axles on 3 sets

Have ridden three pairs so far. I weigh between 90 and 95kg. Never bent an axle or anything. The only thing is that some pins got lost in the way. Have had some copied version of those and broke an axle in no time.

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If you want strength/durability then the Nukeproof Neutron/Inspired Team style pedals are good.  My DMR V12s were decent for the brief period I had them (sold them on to someone else who's still running them), and Ali's been running them for quite a while with no problems too.

Currently on the Electron Evos which also seem to be good too, and Flipp's been using them for a while too and they didn't feel bent/broken when I rode them a few weeks ago.

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2 hours ago, niconj said:

Have ridden three pairs so far. I weigh between 90 and 95kg. Never bent an axle or anything. The only thing is that some pins got lost in the way. Have had some copied version of those and broke an axle in no time.

I had a pair once, lasted ok, but then I sold them and the buyer snapped them that day and I had to give him a refund. Also I don't like how tall and chunky they are, it's all about slim wide pedals these days.



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Wellgo mg-1 are for Tiny people with miniature feet, they are so hilariously small.. Have the nukeproof for a good long time, originally on my comp bike now on my street bike- have replaced the pins once in 5-6 years. No bending, very thin, wide platform, kind of heavy.. The wellgos are on a single speed commuter bike, retired long long ago.. They were a decent pedal when they  came out 10? years ago but can't hold a candle to today's pedals... Unless you have the feet of a 6 year old girl, or your feet are hooves.

Edited by AndyT
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superstar components pedals are great! 2 year guarantee and relatively cheap to boot. i've had two sets; some regular alloy nano ones that had 2-3 years of trials love before being put onto a commuter bike. i'm a size 12-13 and they fit my feet comfortably. i also had their magnesium lightweight jobbbies they lasted just past two years before snapping which was pretty damn good for silly lightweight pedals under my 100kg of heft :P

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I have dmr v12 on my 26 and a double caged trialtec on my 24 both work well but I have all ways been a fan of the triatec's . For me pedal choice has all ways been on what is going to grip my shoe better . As silly as it may sound what shoes you wear makes a difference .the trialtec I can wear a skate shoe and had no slip . 

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I don't have small feet. 10 1/2 actually. I put on the Trialtech SL caged ones one time and found them way too small compared to the Wellgos. I'll give them Nukeproof a try after the Wellgos I just bought.

I don't really care about the looks of the pedal.

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The Nukeproofs should feel loads better.  Cap was running MG1s on his Fourplay, and you could see (and hear from the big bang sound) him nearly flipping the pedal over under his foot quite often due to how thick and short the Wellgos are.  Most modern platform pedals are about 1/4 thinner, and tend to be quite a bit longer too so you get way more stability and generally better grip too.

I back the point about shoes too - they make a huge difference.  Shoe sole pattern, material, upper design and so on all play a part.

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30 minutes ago, LEON said:

every modern bike pedal has got flatter and wider for a reason.

Marketing bullshit? :P

Nah, I agree, the days of MG-1s being a good pedal are long gone IMO. I used to love them, but there are lots of better options available now - such as those mentioned above.

Pedals definitely fall into the 'cheap, light strong: pick two' category...

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