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Going back about 12 years I use to ride trials, on a DMR sidekick. 

Ride a lot of bikes still from downhill/trail, dirt jumping and road (yes lycra)

I feel the need to get back into trials as its always been a passion


My problem is...

I've made my mind up on the bike I want, an Inspired Element 2016

What my problem is, is that I don't know whether to get the 26 or 24 version????

I use to ride a lot of street, came from a BMX background from my early years, but also, loved going to play in the woods/quarry for natural trials riding. Completely different to street, but just as enjoyable in my eyes


All i want really is some advice really, will the 24 be as suitable for natural trials as the 26??? Will the 26 be suitable for street???

I checked the geometry and it's pretty similar

I plan to run a rear HS33 and disc on the front for which ever size I go for


Any advice from you experienced people????

Edited by Mop84
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i'd try and have a go on each wheel size before you make your choice... the only point i'd like to make is that you'd have a better choice of natural orientated tyres with a 26" wheel. they're gonna be equally capable machines. what wheel size did you run before?

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Dependant on your height/weight/strength kinda determines what you'd get - But again at the end of the day it's literally all down to personal preference. 24's are considered more "flicky", short and snappy bikes so they're easier to throw around and possibly even the better option for street. In contrast, if you're looking to be trying out some 'pure' or natural trials too then a 26 might be a good thing to look into more as they're considered better for rolling up stuff, you can get more distance on them, less rolling resistance and all that. Yet again, as a few people have said already it's better if you go try out the different sizes first - I wouldn't even take shops into account as trials is basically dead anyway, just find some local riders on the forum and ask to tag along and get them to talk you through it all. I rode dj for years on end, so i was convinced i wanted a 26" street bike to match sizes and geometry - But I've somehow ended up with a mod and 24" natural bike ;)

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I've got a Specialized P Slope which I've rode street on but coming from a BMX background I do find it a little big for street, but couldn't imagine anything smaller for dirt jumping!

I'm kinda leaning towards the 24 for the fun aspect. As it's still possible to ride pure trials, but not as well, I think it's something I can still do on the 24

I always did a lot of spiny stuff when riding street and the fact it's that slightly bit easier to to flick about, I'm thinking maybe it'll be that little bit easier to get back into

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3 hours ago, isitafox said:

Put it this way, I saw a lad win his class (read as beat me) at a trial at Shipley Glen on a 24" Onza Zoot running Holy Rollers.

Oh... So they're not actually that bad for pure trials at all then!!!

im thinking more 24 from what everyone is saying. Seems to give me the opportunity for more fun in the street and I'll guess it will be good enough for the natural trials I'll actually ride


can see an order going in to tarty bikes this week lol

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When I had My 26 marino made the geo I went for was like a cross over between old skool geo and the new street set ups.  However every time I go out now I all ways pick my 24 archive .To be fair I find my 26 a bit long now after riding my 24 as much as I do. But at the end of the day man it's only you who can make your mind up .

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