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Rockman Gabbro V-Brake / Front Disc


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Just bought the frame of this forum and built it up with parts of my GU''. 

Geo should be (if I'm not mistaken): 1090/70/380

Haven't ridden it yet and I'm curious about how the front brake performs. Rear has been tested with the same adapters on another frame already and I was really satisfied. Unfortunately, the shimano carbon booster isn't wide enough to keep using it.

Weight should be between 8.3 - 8.6



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Believe me, the V-Brake has more hold than a Racing line brake. At least for me it works better. And it really isn't a new thing, just the only pure trials frame with canti bosses.


edit: Just re read your post. Yes. The cable is still anchored the same. There are enough v-brake riders who've never encountered a cable slipping from the bolt so I'd say it's as safe as a HS33.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2016 at 4:38 PM, Culshaw95 said:

Lush build! Wish companies would do more V brake frames to be honest but it seems to be a slowly dying trend now which is a shame 

Time to get the Rockman Gabbro V3 before it's sold out. :D

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On 27/01/2016 at 3:38 PM, Culshaw95 said:

Lush build! Wish companies would do more V brake frames to be honest but it seems to be a slowly dying trend now which is a shame 

Mainly because lots of people called out for V brake mounts on frames, a few manufacturers obliged and very few people took them up.

The hold on a vee is incredible, but the vagueness when it comes to instant bite put me off. I think that's why you don't see many people using them on "proper" trials bikes.

Bike looks smart though :)

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  • 2 months later...

Couldn't be bothered to clean the bike before taking the picture. Mainly just upgraded the pedals and stem and had to go back to the Echo cranks as the Play don't have enough offset. Too bad my Shimano Carbon booster won't fit.

26274788505_0586121a40_c.jpgRockman Gabbro V-Brake² by niconj, auf Flickr

26248857466_229014b345_c.jpgRockman Gabbro V-Brake¹ by niconj, auf Flickr

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Haven't ridden it yet. Had 150x30 with no stacker, now it's 158x30 with a 2mm stacker. Gives me 5mm more reach and is 8mm higher. The 8mm felt very good track standing, will have to see whether it's still good, when it comes to real riding. 

It is a lot stiffer than the Rockman though.

Edit: Just came back from the first session with the new stem. Even though it's not that much longer, it feels better when gapping as there seems to be a lot more leverage in the 5mm more reach. Other than that I didn't feel much of a difference. It is more comfortable, that I can say.

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Put on the Racing Line Brake on the front as I needed the v-pads on the rear and wanted to ride w/o having to wait for the replacement pads to arrive. Well, on the front the HS33/Racing Line Nano performs better than the VEE. Might be due to the adaptors I don't know.

Same TNN pads that is.

Edit: After rear disc and front HS33 THIS is the new trend. :D

26315608412_37912fe49c_c.jpgGabbro¹ by niconj, auf Flickr

26135111920_58326e6715_c.jpgGabbro2 by niconj, auf Flickr

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1 hour ago, Canardweb said:

No Hashtagg cranks mate! They are very crack happy! Nice bike though. Shame it's a crackman

Not the ISIS ones I hope*. :) If the Rockman is indeed a Crackman, it'll do it earlier now as I have taken away some percentage of the aluminum.

*I actually haven't read anything about Hashtagg cranks cracking, only the Racing Line ones.

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37 minutes ago, Canardweb said:

Both the Hashtagg's crankset and ISIS CNCed cranks arms crack unfortunately.

Well... If that is so, I will go back to the Echo once they do. :) I haven't really cracked anything so far except an Echo TR FFW, which broke in half on a gap.

p.s.: I don't do any 3m drops or whatever as I don't really know how to ride trials (have been doing it for about 2 1/2 years).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I know the earlier version was lighter and more beautiful than this one but this is more practical. I was going to grind my front rim but rather went for the disc setup as I really like the Hope front brake.

The Baron Project had to go as I don't really liked its performance on off camber surfaces. I haven't ridden the Der Kaiser yet but the Der Kaiser Project was better than the baron and having read that the normal Kaiser even outperforms the Project one, I got it off the bay for almost nothing.

The tyre on the front is a really close fit and with the wider rim it doesn't move anymore. 

26721666013_cc05746a1e_c.jpg_5294855 by niconj, auf Flickr

27294789856_ef7f0229e5_c.jpg_5294856 by niconj, auf Flickr

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

After having built the Rockman Liberté and ridden for a couple of times I went out with my "old" Rockman and found that it felt better. :S This gave me reason to "upgrade" it a bit. I mounted a shorter stem (150x30°) and a BB7 because I really like having the same lever for front and rear. Funny thing is that the BB7 is on par with the Trialzone/Tech 3 brake and now I can run my old Avid levers which I really like. The clamp bolt is hidden so it's like the old HS33 levers where you can't hurt yourself.

The only thing that still bothers me is the brake booster on the rear. I've already bought a carbon plate (5mm) to build my own but haven't gotten the saw blade for it yet. As soon as I get it, I will copy the Tektro booster that is mounted now as it fits perfectly.

The bike is pretty heavy at around 9.5kgs but I don't care and if I want to save some weight I can mount the Monty tire that is pretty decent as well.

29031993783_b492bfa62a_c.jpgRockman² by niconj, auf Flickr

29656504305_8c60524ffd_c.jpgRockman¹ by niconj, auf Flickr

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