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Win a £20 Voucher!

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Hi everyone


Whether you’ve been to a trial or not in the last few years, we want your feedback on how we could improve the experience for you.


Please complete this survey to help us understand.  As a reward for doing it, fill in your name and email address on the form and you’ll be put into a prize draw for a £20 Tartybikes voucher – do it as soon as possible, the draw will take place on Sunday 20th December.


Good luck in the draw everyone J

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for being a bit of a killjoy,but being put into a £20 raffle isn't what i would call a reward for filling out a survey.

I know the intention is there and that is good, but £20 ?  Is that + postage ?

If this survey was done in a different bicycle genre (lets say bmx for example) from one of it's main governing bodies the prize would be undoubtably higher. This is not because they have more funds.it is because they see that the majority of riders are young and rely on the bank of mum and dad for parts etc . So a higher prize gives more incentive which is needed if you want good feed back .(to help you understand)

Basically - what can they get for £20 ? 

This is just one of many basic ideoligies that bike trials seems to 'miss the boat'.

When Tarty did their trial day it was a success because they have got their finger on the button.


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What the hell is wrong with this world? It's full of people like you who want money for nothing. PM me your address dude and I'll post you a score, if it keeps you happy.


What would be better is offering a prize money can't buy! 99.9% of the reason I do British rounds is for the sweet AF Trial-Tech medal. They've alluded me thus far. Hopefully 2016 is a different story.

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Rub your eyes ross and read the post. I was talking about school kids if you want me to spell it out ,who at that sort of age have  to be tyre levered into doing anything to do with forms outside of school. That is what i was meaning.don't need your dosh pal. The post says they,not I .


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4 hours ago, lifes-a-trial said:

Sorry for being a bit of a killjoy,but being put into a £20 raffle isn't what i would call a reward for filling out a survey.

I know the intention is there and that is good, but £20 ?  Is that + postage ?

If this survey was done in a different bicycle genre (lets say bmx for example) from one of it's main governing bodies the prize would be undoubtably higher. This is not because they have more funds.it is because they see that the majority of riders are young and rely on the bank of mum and dad for parts etc . So a higher prize gives more incentive which is needed if you want good feed back .(to help you understand)

Basically - what can they get for £20 ? 

This is just one of many basic ideoligies that bike trials seems to 'miss the boat'.

When Tarty did their trial day it was a success because they have got their finger on the button.


The BikeTrial Federation do a really good job with what I'm sure is an ever diminishing and stretched budget. 
Comparing BMX and Trials is totally retarded. BMX has massive sponsorship which is where all the big money comes from. Trials is tiny, and as anyone in-the-know will know, really suffers from a lack of cash in almost all areas. 

Stop acting like an ungrateful little bitch. If you don't want a £20 voucher - don't enter. 
To some, that £20 off a part they need to buy may leave them being able to put £20 of fuel in the car to get out riding on the weekend

Edited by J.KYDD
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The survey was deliberately designed to make it quick and easy to fill out.  Even if you went in depth with the questions you can give a free-form answer to you're looking at a maximum of 5 minutes to fill it in.  £20 for 5 minutes work seem too bad?  That's not even factoring in the long term benefit of being able to hopefully help steer the comp scene in a direction more to your liking too.

You mention about it being a greater reward if it was done through BMX, yet say that's not because of funding - I'd beg to differ.  Before Adam and I went into the Biketrial Federation AGM, we went and watched the practise sessions being done on the BMX track built inside the velodrome.  That BMX track cost £24million to build, and that's just one track out of the several Olympic level BMX tracks in the UK.  They have full funding from British Cycling, whereas the Biketrial Federation receive nothing.  Even at club level things are massively different.  As an example, this club (who are basically the equivalent level in BMX racing that, say, Tyketrial would be in the trials world) received over £50k of funding a few years ago.  That is well over 10 times the budget the Biketrial Federation operate on annually.  Are you seriously suggesting that the level of money available to a sport wouldn't affect how 'generous' they're able to be?

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I probably wouldn't have filled out this survey, until I read @lifes-a-trial being a complete and utter knob jockey. Deluded, too. £20 has more value to the kids you're describing than it does to us older riders, so if anything they're more likely to take the survey. 

As it happens, if I get drawn for the £20 I'll find some way of donating it to someone here in the form of a little video comp or something. Even though £20 would be a shit prize, especially compared to the comps we've had for Mars bars in the past...

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I'm not going to comment on the negative posts above - we're a handful of people doing what we can (self-funded) to run the competitive sport for you and are trying to make it better!

I've spent the evening reading the responses so far - they are really interesting, with some really helpful comments and suggestions.  Once the survey finishes on 20th December all the replies will be reviewed and we promise to take into account and put into action as much of the feedback as we possibly can.

In fact some ideas have already been put into action for 2016 with some new venues (one with man-made sections) and plans for a more "fun" element in progress.

Many thanks to everyone who's taken part so far, if you haven't filled in the survey yet, do please give us your ideas, just click here, tick the boxes and type in your comments.

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Congratulations to the £20 winner ...

Many many thanks to everyone who completed our survey to help us to improve our trials events for you.  You gave us loads of really useful feedback and some excellent ideas.

Over the next few months, before the start of the 2016 season, we'll be looking into how we can make some of these things happen to make the events fairer for the competitors and more fun for everyone of all ages and abilities to join in.

Watch the site for information coming up about next year's series.

In the meantime, the winner of the £20 Tartybikes voucher was entry number 31 .... Lyndsay Dacker (Bailey's mum).  Congratulations Bailey!

We hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and that Santa brings you everything you want!

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