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Entry level bmx


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So the stepdaughter has asked for a bmx for Christmas, the last bmx I bought was 1200 quid and balls is she having my standard sta500 to ride!

She's 10  and can ride a bike no issues, however how much real bmx use it will get is yet to be seen.  She's high functioning autistic and has seen kids riding at the skatepark, being very impulsive this is now what she wants to try out; the fact I used to ride bmx and still have mine is probably a deciding factor as well.  I will be riding with her on my bike trying to get her to actually ride properly, however it might just be the case she gets scared at the park and it gets used to ride around on.

Being the bike snob that I am I refuse to buy a cheap shite bike but I'm so far out of the bmx game I don't know what's what :(

Budget is around 200 quid with a bit either way,  looking on crc there are some clearance eastern completes in budget that look good but any recommendations would be welcomed :)









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My standard is a big old heavy lump, it's set up for me and yes she could ride it (not concerned about damaging it) but then she would be riding my bike not hers. She does need a new bike as she has outgrown her old 20" and a bmx will last her years size wise (you can't really grow out of a bmx like a normal bike).

I'll have a look at the khe range, not sure if a detangler is a good idea, if she finds out that the bars can spin indefinitely then that is all she'll do :D

Planning on keeping it simple with single brake with no pegs to start with and see how she progresses.






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It might be worth, for your budget, looking at one of these...


It's actually quite well specced for the money. I can say this from experience as I bought one! I spent a few quid after, upgrading a few bits but out of choice rather than necessity. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a good look at the options given and decided to ignore all of them, including my own :D

The wife found a wethepeople arcade for £220 with a decent spec and right budget. The khe was too far above budget unfortunately. Thanks for all the advice, hopefully she won't kill herself on it!







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