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Sidehop and Pedal up Power


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Handlebars' length is all about personnal preference in my opinion. Also you need to take in account your shoulders width. In road cycling, handlebars length is (nearly) the same as your shoulder width. It lets you breath better and have better support on the road. In trials, having longer or shorter bars is personnal and about the riding level. I believe having shorter bars needs better sideways balance, so you need to train that before trimming your bars. It changes your riding sensation a lot so cut them progessively!

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Handlebars' length is all about personnal preference in my opinion. Also you need to take in account your shoulders width. In road cycling, handlebars length is (nearly) the same as your shoulder width. It lets you breath better and have better support on the road. In trials, having longer or shorter bars is personnal and about the riding level. I believe having shorter bars needs better sideways balance, so you need to train that before trimming your bars. It changes your riding sensation a lot so cut them progessively!

Or just move grips and levers in and try it out w/o cutting the bars.

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i've recently started running my grips narrower (i use tape so i just fix the grip on the outer of my bar) i'm limited by how far inbound my brake levers can sit on the bars but so far it feels alot better for getting the power down

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