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Barspins and Trials


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With street riding becoming so popular, I've found it interesting that so few riders are throwing the bars. The combinations that are possible in trials lines are largely un-done. I have a few up my sleeve for later.

So, I made a how-to. This was also asked of me in my last how-to thread.

This could also be a dream-barspin-combo thread. What would Danny do if he were as good at bars as he is at backwards nose manuals.

Edited by jamesb
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I was watching Adam lz on YouTube and his trick to learning them was on a trampoline.

I have had a go of a tramp set up before and after a few goes I was doing double bars, one way then the other. It was super easy with the height you can get and the lack of front wheel. Its the weight of the front end that makes doing them properly, really hard.

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I've got a general fear of taking my hands off the bars that I find really hard to get over. I went riding with a box buddy recently and he explained how to pinch the cranks with your ankles instead of the seat and that did help but it feels really awkward. I managed to do one on his bike but I still feel a long way off on mine. I think the main thing for me is that's I don't really find them a fun thing to do and I can't imagine ever getting confident enough with them to blast one out mid line so I'm fairly happy to leave them alone

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From backwheel is the most safe way i think. And what about busdriving with finger on lever blade? Should i remove finger before jumping?

When I had both brakes on, I would run the levers far in on the bar, and let go of them if I were to bus it. Throwing them (not bus) with fingers on is fine. I learned that when I did the nose stall bar to fakie on top of a bench. Ender in this :

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I found flyout to be the best way to get them consistent. You have more time so you can slow them down and get them just right. Hop bars and flyout bars feel different, but a hop bar down a set, or a truck, or any big variation should feel slower like a flyout bar.

I like the seat high, personal preference. I also like how the bike looks and feels with it up. More like a regular bike than a scooter.

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Yes i agree flyout is the easiest...i starede doing them in a small manuals first, this lets you learn to pinch the seat and catch the bars correct...if you have the weight far back you can ride away from even the worst catch...do them of curbs just rolling, after that flyin and last bunnyhop...

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